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Phobias anyone?

Bees for me too. As well as heights, talking on phone, water animals and mirrors in the bedroom. I can't sleep if there is mirror in there, I had to cover the mirror with towel when we were staying in hotel.
Water is my big one. I can't put my face in water without feeling like I'm suffocating instantly. So of course I can't swim (though I can't swim or float, anyway).

I am also very scared of hurting small animals. People sometimes think I am scared of the creature itself, like spiders, ants, tiny lizards, etc, because I'll be so creeped out when I have to do something with them (get them out of my water glass, off of me, off the TV, etc). I'm really just scared of being so large by comparison that I will hurt them despite my strangely well developed fine motor skills.

I used to have more of a problem with heights, but then I had a job that required running up and down ladders and hanging off large shelves every night. After a few months I didn't mind so much anymore.
Hornets and yellowjackets, ticks and fleas, severe weather disasters (especially tornadoes), failing or not doing well at things (specifically on tests and exams and with making friends).
I have one, where I can't hold heavy objects or even a fork, because I fear my bones would break skin and flesh, stick out and break. I have shallow joints which do tend to crack loudly, and the noise especially from my right shoulder is a triggery. I can't really avoid it and am getting slowly better with it.

And heights. No, not heights, I can go to airplane. But high buildings. Apparently I don't trust construction engineers at all. They might have forgot to made a derivative and even that I realize many buildings have been there hundreds of years, my step on them might be the last one they can take. I also can't stay on balconies for long, mostly not go to them at all. But mountain cliff, not really a problem.
I'm not sure if this could be classified as a phobia, but I really don't like eating in public and will go to great lengths to avoid having to do so. I hate the thought of anybody watching me eat, and as well as that there's the chance that I might accidentally drop food on myself or make a mess. I always feel anxious and awkward whenever somebody offers me food, and I feel like I'm coming across as rude when I decline, but I just can't bring myself to even attempt to eat anything around anyone. I realise how irrational it is, and I'd be embarrassed having to explain it to anyone who asked, although I don't feel ready to try and overcome it yet.
Horrible Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)! And I've always had a very extreme fear of semi-trucks...

Other than that, I can't really think of anything. I guess heights are pretty scary, but yet I love to ride intense roller coasters and such. I guess "insecure" heights I'm afraid of. But most people are.
And I absolutely love snakes. :3
I don't know the name of my phobia. I fear huge "floating" things. So... I always thought I had selenophobia (fear to the moon), because I just feel a very high vertigo just by looking at it, and I think it's the only "huge and floating thing" I know... but I've seen once a plane flying not very high, above me, and it caused exactly the same effect on me. I played games where huge things like planets and anything are floating over there and I feel a huge vertigo.

I don't fear heights that much, so I don't think it's that... it's more like a reversed vertigo or something, I would like to know the name of my phobia.
I don't know the name of my phobia. I fear huge "floating" things. So... I always thought I had selenophobia (fear to the moon), because I just feel a very high vertigo just by looking at it, and I think it's the only "huge and floating thing" I know... but I've seen once a plane flying not very high, above me, and it caused exactly the same effect on me. I played games where huge things like planets and anything are floating over there and I feel a huge vertigo.

I don't fear heights that much, so I don't think it's that... it's more like a reversed vertigo or something, I would like to know the name of my phobia.

I know this feeling, if I have a balloon filled with helium and let it go It makes me feel very uneasy watching it float above me and get the vertigo feeling, I also get the vertigo feeling if I am laid out outside and looking directly up to the sky.

My phobia is mottephobia, the fear of moths. I don't like the way they flap their wings or their fat hairy bodies or their hairy wings and legs lol. When I was living in foster care there was a moth in the down stairs toilet and it was HUUUGEE! and i refused to use that toilet for about six months and even when I was brave enough to go in there I was still twitchy lol. Also when I was living at my Dads house I got up for work one morning and went into the dining room to eat my breakfast cereal and a moth landed on the edge of my bowl facing me and I'm sure it was looking at me! so I ran out and went to work without any breakfast that day lol!
Bees. It's really the noise; I'll get scared of flies too, but only until I notice they're not bees.

It's strange, because I've only been stung by a bee once, and before that I had been stung by jellyfish on three separate occasions.

I can tell you a jellyfish hurts a heck of a lot more than your standard yellow jacket (yes, that's a wasp, but... Whatever), but I have no fear of them, sooo... Anyway, yeah. Bees.
The brown recluse looks suspiciously like a baby huntsman there Sportster, you know, the trapdoor spiders we have are really great at the scare factor, they live in the ground in a burrow the entrance of which is about as thick as your thumb but they are massive and you could be standing there and you've touched one of their lines, next thing a leaf lifts up and this set of legs pops out followed by the giant body and you jump a foot in the air.
Luckily I have never been bitten by a white tail spider which causes necrosis in its victims that can easily spread and take a limb if left untreated, or the redback which is like the black widow except the red is on the back obviously ; ]

Yeah, my fear of spiders was crippling when I was a child but then I put my heart in my hands and just started ejecting them from the house on brooms instead of killing them, or I would force myself to look at them for a while before chucking them out, you never really get over arachnophobia but it can be managed and they do do good by keeping the bugs in check.

If ones jumps out at me or sprints at me with a gleam in its eyes though, that's when Hulk will smash, grrrr
I have an interesting case of aquaphobia (fear of water).

I believe it stems from having witnessed something in the past (a horror film maybe) that scared me, whatever the source is I have forgotten it, but the fear persists so long as I am reminded of it within a 5 week time period.
I have a lot of phobias, or fears, and some are directly related to my Asperger's while others have a different cause. I have crippling social anxiety disorder, fear of leaving my apartment and more. If someone suddenly appears beside me I jump out of my skin, and loud noises really scare me too. These I attribute to Asperger's. My fear of heights were the result of a bully taking away the ladder I used to get up on a friends garage roof. ( We had been hanging out there until she got called in for lunch). I couldn't get down for hours! Before that incident I could climb a tree three stories high and not be afraid at all. I almost drowned once trying to run away from a bee, but that phobia has nothing to do with my Asperger's either. I'm sick of being afraid all the time. People say if you keep exposing yourself to the thing you fear you'll get desensitized. I'm 56 years old and that hasn't worked for me yet. Any suggestions?
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Arachnophobia: EEEEEeeeeeekkkk!
Textophobia: The fear of certain fabrics (anything that looks remotely itchy or has a print or texture that freaks me out: double EEEEEEK!
Like your White Tail, the Brown Recluse causes severe necrosis. One of the guys I work with was bitten under the arm. He picked up a box and apparently the thing was in it. He said it felt like a sweat bee sting; not bad, just annoying. He lost a huge amount of flesh and muscle. That Trapdoor spider would be enough to cause me to die on the spot.

I admire your attempt to manage your arachnophobia. Around here, if it’s in the house, it gets the Raid – industrial strength. If that doesn’t work, then I hit it with the can. I’ve had a few that refused to die when sprayed, so I had to get a more aggressive.

I have so many horror stories about spiders. I think for fear to be classed as a phobia, it has to be considered irrational. I'm sorry, but my fear is well established in a history of "events" that gives me a pain in the chest just thinking about.

I like your back up plan. For me the bug spray is option 3; there is too much time between the spray hitting the spider and when it actually dies. That is not a preferred option. In fact, even if I do spray it, I still smash it with a shoe.
I have so many horror stories about spiders. I think for fear to be classed as a phobia, it has to be considered irrational. I'm sorry, but my fear is well established in a history of "events" that gives me a pain in the chest just thinking about.
One of the things I learned about Australia from nature documentaries: they have very scary spiders!
Maybe if you'd grown up in the USA, you'd have the calmness of this girl who decided to major in Entymology with a specialty in spiders. Spiders in the United States : Identifying Spiders of Pennsylvania - YouTube
If ya'll are all put off by our own types of spiders then perhaps it would be imprudent of me to mention the fearsome Yowie, the terrible Bunyip and the Hairy Bogan.
All naturally occurring, often spotted in the urban landscape on dark nights as well... then of course there's bushrangers to consider!

But I wont go on, life down-under is at times too horrible to contemplate ; ]
If ya'll are all put off by our own types of spiders then perhaps it would be imprudent of me to mention the fearsome Yowie, the terrible Bunyip and the Hairy Bogan.
All naturally occurring, often spotted in the urban landscape on dark nights as well... then of course there's bushrangers to consider!

But I wont go on, life down-under is at times too horrible to contemplate ; ]

I think my next door neighbour IS a hairy bogan!


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