Feathered Jester
Better yet, StackOverflow and Tuts+.
Daniela, what are you using to write the code? If you're just using Notepad, I highly recommend at least going to Notepad++ or, better yet, something like Netbeans. At the very least, Notepad++ has syntax highlighting capabilities (so you know you typed something wrong if it doesn't color it properly), and Netbeans (an IDE) will provide you with indication and descriptions of syntax errors, as well as having the potential to provide code completion, which can make it easier to get the syntax right in the first place.
Notepad++ was the only thing able to shake me from being a diehard Notepad user. It's so colorful! And that "replace all" function is awesome. If it has other functions, I don't know. That's the only part of it I use.