I'll be totally honest, you rather entirely missed what I meant by "an awful company". And yes, they outclass even Epic and EA in that regard. By far.
I want to make just one very specific thing clear: Never, EVER trust corporations... period. They are not your friend, they are not your pal. Not only do they NOT have your best interests in mind, but they'd feed you to the wolves if they thought that A: they'd profit from it, and B: they could get away with it. Apple, frankly, has done a bit worse than merely that, more than a few times. When I say a company is horrible... chances are, I'm NOT focusing *just* on the quality of their products. There's more to these corporations than just that. If Apple JUST made crappy products, that's not enough to get me to hate them (or even care about them). Heck, freaking Madcatz used to make AWFUL stuff... cheap worthless junk that NOBODY liked... but I've no animosity towards them.
That's not really relevant right now though.
Now, I'll reply to a few other things:
would you rather drive in a plastic are or a metal car?
Ah, but you're not considering the nature of those materials. Something about those phones and tablets to keep in mind: they are made mostly of metal and glass. Neither material really warps much, if at all. Upon receiving an impact, they cannot "rebound" as easily once bent to a certain point, and so, have a tendency to crack. Iphones are considered very fragile for a reason, and that is part of it. Plastic, however, is WAY harder to crack. It absolutely can warp enough upon impact that it will withstand the impact without snapping. Oh, sometimes it may get dented in the process, but... maybe not (frankly, it usually takes a REALLY heavy impact to put a noticable dent in proper hard plastic... a mere 3 foot fall aint gonna do it). I dropped a Gamecube down a flight of stairs, once (yes, really). It was undamaged; even the outer shell wasnt dented or anything. That should say something. Not to mention the outright ancient NES controllers I've owned for ages, that have been outright thrown at walls numerous times, yet still work perfectly. And those are inexpensive things, with a rather simple hard plastic shell (I swear, Nintendo products are indestructible). I *guarantee* you: an iPhone without a case, thrown at a wall, will not survive the impact... period.
There's more to it than that, of course. I could go into this long diatribe about the transference of momentum through mass and why more damage is done if the phone/tablet should impact on its edge rather than its flat side. But I think I've made my point.
Something simply being made of metal does not make it stronger. And even when good material is used, it doesnt matter if it isnt used RIGHT. Say what you want, but iPhones ARE considered to be very fragile devices.
Stuff that I own tends to take a beating... that's a fact. I dont do it on purpose... usually... but it tends to happen. So I know a lot about how/why stuff breaks when it does. Unfortunately I DONT know much about actually FIXING things, heh. But that's another topic.
So, when it comes to your question about the car, which one would I want? The answer: The one that isnt built by idiots. The right material for the job, and that material used PROPERLY, with consideration to all its properties and functions... that's what matters.
I'm glad apple has control over their app store. google play has a lot of virus apps people download not knowing. I won't get any apps not on apples store. no thanks. the things you hate about apple is why people buy apple. apple is protecting our privacy while google will happily sell all your information to facbook and china.
That's... not why people buy Apple products.
They buy Apple products because it's a big brand that produces simple devices that are easy to use. Keep in mind, their biggest product is their PHONES and TABLETS. Those things are meant for general consumers, not tech fiends, and they exist as convenience devices that are also capable of mild entertainment during boring moments. They are not meant to be used as a full desktop PC would. The apps are... a side thing, at best. Heck, there are users who dont even buy any apps. They want the phone function, texting, and maybe things like the mapping or organizing functions. Basic stuff that simply comes on the device. With the interface being what it is... THAT is why people buy Apple products. They're easy and convenient.
Buuuuuuut.... that's ALSO why people buy Android. You absolutely can apply that to both.
But also, they buy them because of the FOMO principle. Be serious now: People racing forward, getting into some loooooooooooong line for the chance at buying the newest phone model, despite that they still have last year's model? Do you REALLY think they NEED that? Particularly the more casual users? No, they dont. But they dont want to be the guy that doesnt have the toy that all the cool kids have. Even the more casual users who will not even truly notice or UNDERSTAND the differences will still shell out and buy one, because of the FOMO principle.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, because I'd have to practically hold a class/panel here, but manipulating consumers via FOMO is a BIG thing in marketing and brand design. Again, this is one of those topics I know a lot about (family works in sales, you see). Apple absolutely relies on this to get people to buy a new whatever when they dont ACTUALLY need one. Obviously, Apple is far from the only one to do this. It's a REALLY common practice. Really, really common. But I'm bringing it up merely to make a point: The iron grip over the App Store is not why people buy these products. It's actually usually touted as one of the biggest reasons why people SWITCH BRANDS away from Apple.
As for viruses: That's up to the user to defend against, really. It aint exactly hard to set up proper defenses against viruses. Hell, my own machine is a freaking fortress. This thing does not experience problems (and I mean that sincerely: it *does not experience problems*. And it's a Windows device. I've had it for over 2 years). Anyone using a computer-type device needs to LEARN TO USE IT. Flocking to an iron-grip store device just to avoid having to learn about virus protection is downright silly (and lazy).
And note, I say that as a gamer who has zero impulse control and I'm also in the rare position of having zero budget restriction. If I want something, I'll buy/download it. From Steam, or from...wherever. AKA, the direct opposite of how the App Store works, since I'm getting whatever from wherever, based on my own random whims. And I do it FREQUENTLY. Heck, I've got every arcade ROM ever made before 2008 (which adds up to about 10000 of them) on this machine. Those things, they come from rather shady sites.
But as I said: This machine does not experience problems. At all. Even despite me buying/downloading all sorts of things. Simply due to being protected properly, and due to my own experience in dealing with the internet and its threats. That's really all it takes, and is the proper approach. It's far better to learn to do these things, than to try to buy yourself the lazy way out, as that can seriously come back to bite you later (particularly in the workplace!).
what Laptop brands would you say are good? lenevo? I've had **** luck with Samsung, HP,Toshiba(darn HD drive never worked), Dell.
I'm not the one to ask. As I said, I've never seen a laptop (of ANY brand) that just plain works. If you want advice about laptop brands, best to ask elsewhere. These days I avoid the accursed things, as I got tired of always having to fix their problems (I cant fix hardware issues, but I CAN fix software issues, so if someone in the family is having some, well.... uuuugh. I doubt I need to explain... you probably know already).
Which was hilarious. Oh yes, I followed THAT whole saga. What a wild ride. It ended just as everyone expected, really. I genuinely dont know why ANYONE actually bought into that ridiculous thing. Google is specifically known for killing off their projects, after all. And they definitely dont know the gaming industry.
That's a whole other topic though that isnt related to this one so I wont ramble too much about that. But it's a fun topic, at least.
Also I apologize if I managed to get a bit confusing here, or sounded at all muddled. Or if I missed something you said. My sinuses are driving me crazy, it's very hard to focus right now.