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Pokemon Go... any thoughts?

I've caught a few Pokemon since I downloaded the game last week, apparently there's a load of them round Sheffield Train Station but I haven't been down there lately.
That's a good message...
Hopefully the Pokemon Go folk don't bother the parishioners.

Today I went to my store to get my hair cut (They rent out a few big offices in the front), though the Barber Shop closed early for some reason...
Anyways When I was up there I encountered a Snorlax at the Pokestop (The store is a Pokestop) due to a lure.
Sadly it fled.
To me, Pokémon Go is just another stupid simple little game for me to play while I'm bored on break at work or waiting in line. I was disappointed that you couldn't actually battle other players in it - even the new handheld system's games have that. I'm not gonna go walk around town just for a game, either, so playing it like I do there isn't really much point to it. I just find it hilarious that parents are getting into the game cause their kids play it - I mean, it was at the grocery store in line but still.
To me, Pokémon Go is just another stupid simple little game for me to play while I'm bored on break at work or waiting in line. I was disappointed that you couldn't actually battle other players in it - even the new handheld system's games have that. I'm not gonna go walk around town just for a game, either, so playing it like I do there isn't really much point to it. I just find it hilarious that parents are getting into the game cause their kids play it - I mean, it was at the grocery store in line but still.
There going to add battling and trading soon among other things in the coming weeks.

Pokemon Go will never be as in depth as the mainline titles due to it being a smartphone game.

I suggest you go try and takeover gyms, it will net you coins to spend in the shop.
Plus gym battling is fun.
- trading and battling
- pokecenters (heal your Pokemon)
- possibly customizing pokestops.

Are announced for coming updates.
I would be less inclined to play with trading as an option. Then it becomes super clear that those with more social connections will have an easier time filling out their pokedex. Nah.
My thoughts?

People have lost their minds.

Sorry ... not a gamer, and this new fad seems even more a waste of time.
You should try it sometime, it's free to download provided your phone can run it.

It's fun little game/app that finally got the world off its collective ass, into the outdoors, to actually move unwittingly burning a ton of calories in the process.

This has done more to help people burn calories than all the public health campaign and the loads of products people have spent trillions of U.S. dollars on to lose weight and burn off those calories since the 1980s.

To say it's a waste of time is just plain wrong, even if the public health benefit was purely by accident.

This app has proven to be the most successful thing in modern world to get children, adults, and even old people outside and active.

I wonder how many weight pounds have been lost over this app by accident.

Michelle Obama, The World Health Organization, the EU, and that former bouncer Canada elected as it's PM are all secretly enraged and how easy and cheaply Nintendo, TPCi and Niantic did this.
Michelle Obama, The World Health Organization, the EU, and that former bouncer Canada elected as it's PM are all secretly enraged and how easy and cheaply Nintendo, TPCi and Niantic did this.

Well, if it enrages Michelle Obama, that's all I need to know ...

I take it all back ... Pokémon Go is the coolest!
I do hate her for shopping at Target. I used to shop there! The Obamas ruin everything ... :mad:
Lol the reason why people hate her for shopping at Target, is the FLOTUS should be shopping at higher end retailers.
Though they are also upset at her for wearing too expensive clothing.

Silliness. People walking in the middle of the road glued to their phone. Surprised there haven't been more accidents! Walking my dog this afternoon, guy walking in the middle of the road blissfully unaware. Me - "Eat the pokemon, girl!"

One guy I know is having to car pool with his wife
until they can get the pickup fixed. He rear ended
a car while he was playing with Pokemon Go.

They haven't decided whether to have a friend work
on the truck or take it to the shop [for $2000].

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