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Poll: Do you laugh inappropriately

Do you laugh at inappropriate times

  • I laugh when i'm in pain and when i'm uncomfortable.

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • I laugh when i'm in pain.

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I laugh when i'm uncomfortable

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • I don't laugh inappropriately

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Other (Post your response)

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters
I find it hard to laugh at all. Often something is so funny that I just think deeply about it, I just repeat it over and over in my head, examining the subtle nuances of what was said. When I look up at the person, there is sometimes hurt in their eyes because it seems I didn't care, when really I was so delighted, that it fascinated me. This strong show of emotion from the other person makes me sometimes go mute and unable to tell them how I feel, and it causes so many problems.
When something bad is happening to a character in a movie that I know is gonna happen. I feel so evil for that.. Maybe it's just an "I knew it" moment as to why I grin or laugh?
I laugh when I find something funny. I nervous laugh when I am nervous or uncomfortable. I loud laugh when I am scared or hurting emotionally sometimes, (though not always). Sometimes I just randomly laugh for a couple of minutes and do not really know why (often accompanied by an elevated positive mood that last from a few minutes to about half an hour). There are different laughs that sound different and have different meanings. Sometimes this has caused me problems because people will think I don't take something seriously when I am actually scared or at least nervous or will think that I was flirting when they are really making me very uncomfortable and nervous instead. Is my aspergers syndrome the cause of this?
On rare occasion I've been known to laugh at what I call "unintentional humor". But how "inappropriate" can that be? :oops:
I used to not be able to contain giggling when getting sent to headmasters office, especially when waiting outside and other boys setting you off!

It also happened with father, as he had a headmasterly air and it was the same dynamic

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