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Post something Weird or Random

It likely cost him his job. It's the sort of idiot move we expect from tourists and Queenslanders, truckies are supposed to know better.

Sorry, I was taking the widdle about the size of injury to his ego matching the size of his ride! 😉😄

Mind, as for his driving, some of the idiots round my way were mistakenly given a driving license by a blind examiner.
That reminds me of a TV news report, BBC I think, about India's system of driving tests and showed one taking place. It was carried out over about a couple hundred yards of dirt track in which the keen testee powerfully demonstrated his phenomenal skills in turning the starter key, and even managed to reach the end of the dirt track. He was awarded extra points for having done all this in the car to boot! He left the 'test site' the proud owner of a new license, ready to plunge into some high speed motorway rally driving! 🤭

(To be fair this was in the 80's or 90's I think).
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Update on my mice situation: The peanut butter didn’t work because they somehow got off all of it without setting off the traps and now one is completely gone and I can’t find it anywhere.
Update on my mice situation: The peanut butter didn’t work because they somehow got off all of it without setting off the traps and now one is completely gone and I can’t find it anywhere.
You need a different type of mouse trap, I found the old fashioned traditional style to be pretty hit and miss, especially for jeuvenile mice. I bought a couple of these and found them incredibly effective, with the added bonus that you don't have to touch the likely diseased dead mouse, just open the trap over the rubbish bin.

RatSack CleanKilll mouse traps:

You need a different type of mouse trap, I found the old fashioned traditional style to be pretty hit and miss, especially for jeuvenile mice. I bought a couple of these and found them incredibly effective, with the added bonus that you don't have to touch the likely diseased dead mouse, just open the trap over the rubbish bin.

RatSack CleanKilll mouse traps:

View attachment 140148
I’m planning on getting this plastic type that has a special compartment for bait made for the trap. I think that might work better. The strange thing is the missing trap had the peanut butter completely gone yesterday morning and I forgot to put some more down and went to bed and then found it missing when I woke up.
Mice can be more intelligent than many realise. I recall a recent case in the UK (last year I think) of a guy who kept finding his hobby tools in his garden shed/workshop kept being tidied up, in a very regular and repeatable fashion, each thing being ordered accordingly, and the mystery was solved when he put a vid camera in there overnight, and recorded a mouse performing the task like a little 'housewife' every night! This was on BBC website BTW, fact checked, not a Youtube 'story' - Mouse filmed tidying up man's shed every night

P.S. Even if no interest in mouse intellect, this has got to be one of the cutest vid's I've seen, and so much the better for being natural, not a set up performance.

P.P.S. It's also interesting to note that trying to create an AI that could do what we consider a simple task of tiding up (simple - if we don't think about it too deeply) is exceptionally difficult to do, much harder than say, stealing other peoples creative content? (just to pluck an entirely random example out of the air! 😏)
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I currently have some mice in my house that I’m trying to get rid of and I am so confused right now. One of the traps is missing the bait yet the trap is still set. I don’t understand how that is Even possible.

I once lived in an apartment that had mice. I got some of those mouse trap boxes that contain some kind of incredibly sticky glue inside. The mice go in the box and get trapped in the glue. It was gross to find them, sometimes still squeaking, and dispose of them in the trash. But it worked.
Mice can be more intelligent than many realise. I recall a recent case in the UK (last year I think) of a guy who kept finding his hobby tools in his garden shed/workshop kept being tidied up, in a very regular and repeatable fashion, each thing being ordered accordingly, and the mystery was solved when he put a vid camera in there overnight, and recorded a mouse performing the task like a little 'housewife' every night! This was on BBC website BTW, fact checked, not a Youtube 'story' - Mouse filmed tidying up man's shed every night

P.S. Even if no interest in mouse intellect, this has got to be one of the cutest vid's I've seen, and so much the better for being natural, not a set up performance.

P.P.S. It's also interesting to note that trying to create an AI that could do what we consider a simple task of tiding up (simple - if we don't think about it too deeply) is exceptionally difficult to do, much harder than say, stealing other peoples creative content? (just to pluck an entirely random example out of the air! 😏)
OCD is a sign of intelligence? :-)
There is an easy way to catch a mouse in the right situation. If you know a mouse is hiding, say behind a book case, and there is some clear space along the baseboard beside it, you open a paper bag and set it right along the wall with the open end facing the mouse. Then you scare the mouse so it runs and hides in the bag. Then you can approach out of sight, and just slap the bag closed.
Mice can be more intelligent than many realise. I recall a recent case in the UK (last year I think) of a guy who kept finding his hobby tools in his garden shed/workshop kept being tidied up, in a very regular and repeatable fashion, each thing being ordered accordingly, and the mystery was solved when he put a vid camera in there overnight, and recorded a mouse performing the task like a little 'housewife' every night! This was on BBC website BTW, fact checked, not a Youtube 'story' - Mouse filmed tidying up man's shed every night

P.S. Even if no interest in mouse intellect, this has got to be one of the cutest vid's I've seen, and so much the better for being natural, not a set up performance.

P.P.S. It's also interesting to note that trying to create an AI that could do what we consider a simple task of tiding up (simple - if we don't think about it too deeply) is exceptionally difficult to do, much harder than say, stealing other peoples creative content? (just to pluck an entirely random example out of the air! 😏)
I saw something about that mouse story before. It is kinda cute the way that mouse helped clean. Most mice seem to do quite the opposite.
I once lived in an apartment that had mice. I got some of those mouse trap boxes that contain some kind of incredibly sticky glue inside. The mice go in the box and get trapped in the glue. It was gross to find them, sometimes still squeaking, and dispose of them in the trash. But it worked.
Glue traps are extremely cruel and inhumane. I refuse to support companies that make them.
For that one I have to agree with you. All of them have to be able to reverse a double though in order to get their license, how else can they hook up a third trailer?

Add the third unit between the tractor and the first two?
Add the third unit between the tractor and the first two?
Often not a practical solution in crowded holding yards, a lot of them have reversing cameras now but many still refuse to use them as they take pride in their levels of skill. Some of them can reverse a triple.


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