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Post something Weird or Random

A fiver-niner pair that would beat three of a kind :cool:

I'm trying to score a derelict hull from the early 60s I've had my eyes on that has fins like a '57 Plymouth Fury.
I have a very classy looking 1953 Evinrude 35 horse to hang on her transom.

If I get her and shine her up a bit, I'll be obliged to paint and christen her as Christine :p
View attachment 87153
A good read ( Christine) I read it on night shift in the armed forces, in the eighties.

My wife enjoys the film version, has it in her collection.
@Metal316 - I'm curious to know what that is that you posted.

@Luca - Your tattoo is fantastic. I like it's simplicity. Did you design it? I also concur with Forest Cat.
Thank you! Someone else designed it for me, some of my other tattoos are more elaborate.

I just feel like my arms and legs are fat because I'm insecure about them, they're bigger than they used to be :/
Randomly a weird collection of junk has arrived here.

My wife rolled her eyes, not appreciating the exquisite possibilities of mechanical movement in this box of parts.

So....I took my box out into the autumn sunshine, on it's way to the work shed .

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