Why do I get the feeling that beastie was created in America?Here's one with a V8 engineYou know you have a big chainsaw when it has a Buick V8 engine.
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Why do I get the feeling that beastie was created in America?Here's one with a V8 engineYou know you have a big chainsaw when it has a Buick V8 engine.
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I saw a movie about a major project to photograph a Sequoia from top to bottom without cutting down its neighbours. It took a whole crew several days. A decade later, the job could be done with a cheap drone in a few minutes.Our Mountain Ash in Victoria are bigger, same size as the Sequoias in the US. The one in the picture is being measured and recorded as the largest Tasmanian Bluegum, part of an anti logging campaign.
We're a bit of a weird mob in Australia. What we call a Mountain Ash is actually a eucalypt, evergreen, and grows to 100 metres tall.Mountain Ash has been seeding itself and looks like it will make a fine replacement, growing very quickly and holding leaves long into fall.
Sometimes workmen get bored, or unhappy with their boss. Sometimes, the results can be quite artistic. These guys are wasting mortar, but the wall will do the job in most situations.It's amazing that someone can put all that time and work into building a wall and do everything wrong.If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
I see your chainsaw and I raise you...Here's one with a V8 engineYou know you have a big chainsaw when it has a Buick V8 engine.
View attachment 88321
Thank you for your good work. My coffee time is hugely benefiting from both of your efforts.I see that @maycontainthunder and I are making full use of our meme arsenal this morning lol