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Post something Weird or Random

I once heard the real thing before knowing what the source was (in Costa Rica). My first thought was disgruntled boars or something worse. I was hiking and I was terrified, but I soon learned the source when I went on a canopy hike and saw the little guys first hand. They are so darn cute.
That is interesting. If I heard that In The wild I would have been a bit freaked out .
So nice. When I was small, my family used to have a summer vacation to a small beach town in Massachusetts. On one of the main intersections of a busy shopping area there used to be a dancing policeman. He would direct the cars and people with different intonations on his whistle, tapping his toes and spinning as he did.

It seemed to be just the one man though, and as he aged and eventually retired, he was replaced by the police officers who just stood silently in their serious blue uniforms occasionally tweeting a harsh whistle at people who were not paying attention to the traffic.

I miss the days of the dancing police man. Thanks, Outdated, your post brought me down memory lane.
....a small beach town in Massachusetts. On one of the main intersections of a busy shopping area there used to be a dancing policeman. He would direct the cars and people with different intonations on his whistle, tapping his toes and spinning as he did.
Many years ago I saw a short news clip about a dancing policeman in the US that fits this description, maybe the same one, I can't imagine there's very many of them.

The part I liked about the story I posted was the impromptuness of it. They were just one of the regular foot patrols keeping an eye on a public event. People there encouraged the African policeman to join in the dance but I reckon the white boy stole the show. :)
Dall-E Mini is a wonderful place (and yes, I "made" all of these)


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My victory bell, made from shot down German aircraft.
It features the images of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.

I no longer have it, sold it last year.

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