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Pre Diagnosis

Aspieistj: that is one thing I don't think any one here would do is label me mentally ill. I would label you as capable, I agree with your comments as to Aspergers and Autism.

As mentioned earlier in a thread we put it down to cost cutting.
I blame only one thing:

"The oppressive powers" - a combination of government, teachers, parents etc. who just went their way and say to me, repeatedly, 'you suck to do as what I say'

I sometimes don't blame autism, but the same 'oppressive powers' over me.

However, I try to change myself, for autism does has some challenges and strengths I can better make use of.

Seriously, though, it's not just autism, it's the 'being' we are that is most essential to our success. Autism is a big part, but not all of whom we are.
I just thought that the world around me was weird.
I noticed that other people had friendships and marriages and stuff, but I couldn't figure out how those had come about.
It seemed that other people just seemed to have really good luck. Which I didn't have.
I just thought that the world around me was weird.
I noticed that other people had friendships and marriages and stuff, but I couldn't figure out how those had come about.
It seemed that other people just seemed to have really good luck. Which I didn't have.

I wish I had been able to have the same outlook...it just didn't turn out that way though.
Ste11aeres I like the way you looked upon it.

For me, I did not kow there was such a thing until this year. I did not care to much about things being different.
I now think things happen because I am ready for it

I now think things happen because I am ready for it

It does seem empowering to understand one's self as opposed to being in the dark. It's a much better place to be.

Assuming that's what you mean....hopefully I'll be in a similar mindset in the future instead of where I was in the past.
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I just thought I was weird and bothersome. My mother's primary role in my childhood was to scold and shush me for acting strangely without any context, so for a long time I believed I was just a bad child.
I always just thought I was really weird. I was also convinced for a long time I was monstrously ugly because of bullying - kids are mean!
I thought I was suffering from some kind of insanity and did my best to hide my 'oddness' from others. The plus side of this was that I learned to cope fairly well with the NT world but the downside was the stress and stress-related illnesses I suffered. Learning that there are other people like me and that the cause of our difficulties was Asperger's Syndrome was such a relief and getting a positive diagnosis was the icing on the cake.
Well when I was younger I didn't really know how to characterize myself so I just went along with what other people said of me. They said I was very smart and creative but vey lazy, nonchalant & didn't care abt things & people, very rude & blunt (having no filter). I was antisocial because I was socially awkward..I never knew what to do or say. Until a several months ago when I FINALLY figured out what was wrong with me I just thought that I was just a horrible mean & lazy person but now I know that its not my fault!!

-Self diagnosed AS & ADD

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