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Proof I was a weird 5 year old


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
My favourite poem when I was 5, adapted into my favourite song when I was 5.
I'm still very partial to it.

Philosopher's Stone
(by António Gedeão)

They don't know that dreams,
Are a constant of life
As concrete and well-defined,
As any other thing
Like this grey rock,
Upon which I sit and rest,
Like this gentle stream in gentle startles,
Like these tall pines,
That in green and gold stir,
Like these birds that cry,
In drunkenness of blue.

They don't know that dreams
Are wine, are foam, are yeast,
Are a lively and thirsty creature,
With a pointed muzzle,
That delves through everything
In perpetual motion.

They don't know that dreams
Are canvas, are colour, are brush,
Base, colonnade, or chapiter,
Ogive arch, stained glass,
Cathedral's spire,
Counterpoint, symphony,
Greek mask, magic,
That is an alchemist's Retort,
Map of the distant world,
Compass rose, Infante (prince),
Caravel from the 1500s,
That is Cape of Good Hope,
Gold, cinnamon, ivory,
Swordsman's foil,
Coulisse, dance step,
Columbine and Harlequin,
Flying Passarola(ship),
Lighting rod, locomotive,
A boat's festive prow,
Blast furnace, generator,
Atomic scission, radar,
Ultrasound, television,
Landing of a rocket ship
On the surface of the moon.

They don't know, nor do they dream,
That dreams command life,
And that every time mankind dreams
The world bounces and moves forward,
Like a colourful ball
Between the hands of a child.

Tell me that this isn't an odd favourite for a preschooler.
I never get poems or lyrics like that. It goes way over my head. Especially at 5 years old. I couldn't even read, and only memorised cute nursery rhymes.
I never get poems or lyrics like that. It goes way over my head. Especially at 5 years old. I couldn't even read, and only memorised cute nursery rhymes.
My youngest aunt (3 years older than me) had difficulties in school. She was medically diagnosed and labelled as the R word and pretty much given up by the teachers, and was allowed to drop out of school because she was deemed unteachable.
And she taught herself to read and write after leaving school! There isn't a device (pc, smartphone, vcr, etc.) that she can't get the hang of, sometimes even without help. She is a wizard with numbers, can do maths in her head better than anyone else I know.
She's very literal in her thinking, and poetry and some jokes she doesn't get 🤷‍♀️

I have no doubts she's autistic and was ignorantly misdiagnosed as a child.

We are all different and unique.
As a toddler, my daughter loved The Wizard of Oz. She would re-watch it over and over.
I only got access to tv at 5. Before that I remember carrying around a little book I had memorised before learning to read 😅 the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes and the tale of The Magic Lighter.
Although The Magic Lighter was my favourite because of the dogs.
At that age, my parents would often fret about how often I could play by myself for hours and be quite content. Yeah, they found that "weird". Though at times I was friends with all the little neighborhood kids in the cul-de-sac. It's not like a was a five-year old recluse. Go figure.
At that age, my parents would often fret about how often I could play by myself for hours and be quite content. Yeah, they found that "weird". Though at times I was friends with all the little neighborhood kids in the cul-de-sac. It's not like a was a five-year old recluse. Go figure.
When I started 1st grade, the teachers would often complain that I stayed away from other kids and refused to take part in group activities.
But I had my aunt (Nellie) and a neighbour boy younger than me (Nuno) at home. The three of us were best friends and played Space 1999 together, or built towns with sticks and cobble stones, or would go exploring places we shouldn't get in, like the nearby military fort 😅 go figure that 3 skinny kids could slip through the fence gaps. 😇
I still loved being by myself most of the time though.
When I started 1st grade, the teachers would often complain that I stayed away from other kids and refused to take part in group activities.
But I had my aunt (Nellie) and a neighbour boy younger than me (Nuno) at home. The three of us were best friends and played Space 1999 together, or built towns with sticks and cobble stones, or would go exploring places we shouldn't get in, like the nearby military fort 😅 go figure that 3 skinny kids could slip through the fence gaps. 😇
I still loved being by myself most of the time though.

Sounds like my earlier years as well. I could be content playing alone or surrounded by friends. Didn't matter. But then it's ironic that these kids really were friends and not merely acquaintances. Maybe the only real friends I ever had. No masking required.

But then quite honestly IMO my traits and behaviors came out gradually and not all at once.


Yeah, that's me- the ugly kid in glasses. Had to wear them for another three years. But it involved being a medical textbook "miracle" of sorts. One in 100,000 whose vision was corrected by lenses alone.
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Sounds like my earlier years as well. I could be content playing alone or surrounded by friends. Didn't matter. But then it's ironic that these kids really were friends and not merely acquaintances. Maybe the only real friends I ever had. No masking required.

But then quite honestly IMO my traits and behaviors came out gradually and not all at once.

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Yeah, that's me- the ugly kid in glasses. Had to wear them for another three years.
Not sure why you're calling yourself ugly. You look like all kids do at the table, except you have glasses and not a fancy pink dress!
Not sure why you're calling yourself ugly. You look like all kids do at the table, except you have glasses and not a fancy pink dress!
On top of being "strange" to my parents, I also felt a bit self-conscious in glasses. :oops:

Sadly the glasses came back towards the end of my college days. Studying ruined my eyes!
On top of being "strange" to my parents, I also felt a bit self-conscious in glasses. :oops:
Do you still wear glasses? How do you feel about them now?
I myself recently understood that I have to wear glasses, and it's not about my looks, but about feeling glasses on which just makes me annoyed very often.
Was that the problem for you as well, or was it about just looks?
I so wanted to wear glasses when I was a kid 😅 got my wish granted at 14.
So glasses on others were attractive for you?
I definitely connected glasses to people being smarter. And there is something adorably vulnerable in seeing a person not knowing what is where, when they remove them, heh
Do you still wear glasses? How do you feel about them now?
I myself recently understood that I have to wear glasses, and it's not about my looks, but about feeling glasses on which just makes me annoyed very often.
Was that the problem for you as well, or was it about just looks?
If you have to wear them all the time, there might come a point you're so used to wear them that you'll go to bed and forget to take them off :rolleyes:
Do you still wear glasses? How do you feel about them now?
I myself recently understood that I have to wear glasses, and it's not about my looks, but about feeling glasses on which just makes me annoyed very often.
Was that the problem for you as well, or was it about just looks?

Yes...more than ever now. One pair for general viewing, one for the computer and tinted ones for driving.

I've never thought glasses made me look attractive. In fact a friend at work talked me into wearing contact lenses years ago. I did so for about ten years before going back to traditional lenses. (Contact lens being less than comfortable and requiring a lot more maintenance.)

Though at my age looks are no longer a priority. I'll settle for being able to see reasonably!
If you have to wear them all the time, there might come a point you're so used to wear them that you'll go to bed and forget to take them off :rolleyes:
Ah, well, I hope that won't happen to me, but I'll mentally prepare for that just in case haha
Yes...more than ever now. One pair for general viewing, one for the computer and tinted ones for driving.

I've never thought glasses made me look attractive. In fact a friend at work talked me into wearing contact lenses years ago. I did so for about ten years before going back to traditional lenses. (Contact lens being less than comfortable and requiring a lot more maintenance.)
Hm, now I really want to see how you look with and without glasses. Of course if you have big plus or minus glass lenses can make your eyes look smaller or bigger, and that can be a problem for some.

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