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Psychiatry (anti)

Have you ever met a psychiatrist as intelligent as yourself?

  • Never

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Once

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
Whenever I go to either a therapist or psychiatrist I end up feeling worse than when I just attempt to ignore my feelings rather than attack them.
Whenever I go to either a therapist or psychiatrist I end up feeling worse than when I just attempt to ignore my feelings rather than attack them.

Sometimes you have to experience the pain to get through it. That's why it's "get through it," you go straight through it!
my first psychiatrist was an overworked, incorrect P.O.S.
However, my second, and current (for the past 12 years) Psych has been an absolute GEM. There are surly bad psychiatrists out there but there are plenty that do good work. I wouldn't have made it through the past two years without her. She's a friend now.
So happy that you got rid of the first one and that you are in a better place right now :)
Thanks for your support. Oh absolutely cognitive biases.... The arrogance is the worst isn't it? Especially when ultimately we are the end users of such services... Not the not their mother nor their colleagues.. Us.. And who protects us from the negligence? Well we do and we have to stand strong..
P. S. What distances do you like running? I'm very clumsy but I run reasonably well for someone on the spectrum hahaha.. Kidding.. I like gym the most.. Repetitive movements. Ahh as you can see from my jumping to topics I also have adhd, don't forget the H in the adhd because it's the selling point in psychiatry

I run pretty slow, but consistently in the past 11 years since I quit smoking. Like 'The Little Engine that Could', (I may be big-time dating myself with that reference) couple miles a day but it helps me both mentally and physically.
Psychiatrists just want to dope us up so we stop bugging them. I dislike the profession greatly.

Not true at all. What a horrible thing to say.

It's literally their JOB to be bugged about peoples issues and to give medication to help with said issues.

If it weren't for Psychiatry, people with depression wouldn't be here or would still suffer greatly as their depression wouldn't be regulated with the use of anti depressants. Those with ADHD/ADD would still have a hard time focusing on things (work/school). Those with DID and Schizophrenia would be trapped within their own minds with no way to control that. I'm sure there's others I'm missing, but without psychiatry we'd have lots of people dead in the water with no one or no way to help them. But, you know, if you wish those with mental illnesses and other such things to suffer because you don't like psychiatry and their help then please, go on ahead.
Not true at all. What a horrible thing to say.

It's literally their JOB to be bugged about peoples issues and to give medication to help with said issues.

If it weren't for Psychiatry, people with depression wouldn't be here or would still suffer greatly as their depression wouldn't be regulated with the use of anti depressants. Those with ADHD/ADD would still have a hard time focusing on things (work/school). Those with DID and Schizophrenia would be trapped within their own minds with no way to control that. I'm sure there's others I'm missing, but without psychiatry we'd have lots of people dead in the water with no one or no way to help them. But, you know, if you wish those with mental illnesses and other such things to suffer because you don't like psychiatry and their help then please, go on ahead.

Dayum, I can't even think of a response once people reach a certain level of ignorance, but your answer is epic. *claps*
I'm not being ignorant. I'm speaking from experience. And if you're going to insult someone, don't do it on an autism forum, where I'm already feeling lousy.

Congrats, you've had experience with a lousy psychiatrist or two. Just because you've had a bad experience doesn't mean every other psychiatrist in the Field is as bad as the one(s) you've had.
Agreed!! I dont know why people trust psychiatrists so much...

The researches aren't even complete; they're just testing the meds on the 'patients'. And many of the meds produce withdrawal symptoms, so you need to pay them for life.

Meds maybe necessary for some people, to calm them down or whatever, but seems like it's not a cure.. Since you'll be addicted to it; it's just drugs.

Some people actually dont even need those drugs in the first place. They could have been better with other ways of treatment. Some meds also are the CAUSE of your mental health problems. That's why there are people who are better without meds.

Psychiatrists also usually dont want to hear your story.. Because for what?? Their job is just to tell you what drugs they think will make you think you're cured.

They dont even know the correct answer, nobody knows so far.. Yet people just take whatever drugs given to them. Wonder why.. ..Whatever.. As long as they're happy..
The pharmaceutical companies are big and powerful, constanly knocking on psychiatrists doors with newer products. I am not going to totally blame the docs for the over-prescribed, over-medicated population. There is pressure by the schools to medicate children because the teachers don't have time to handle discipline problems. Bipolar patients really don't like taking meds, they love the manic highs. I am sure other examples exist out there.
The pharmaceutical companies are big and powerful, constanly knocking on psychiatrists doors with newer products. I am not going to totally blame the docs for the over-prescribed, over-medicated population. There is pressure by the schools to medicate children because the teachers don't have time to handle discipline problems. Bipolar patients really don't like taking meds, they love the manic highs.

This thread is like a graveyard of sense, I've never seen so many ridiculous things said in one place. I think the thread should be closed.
Thinking back, maybe i've said too much about psychiatrists. (I must be high & something wrong with me at that time, sorry).

They work hard to study complex things, do their job, & they're only human; cant be a grandmaster in everything. Thank you psychiatrists for doing your best for your patients.

It's up to patient to educate themselves and choose the best treatment for themselves. Hopefully the psychiatrists do educate them in the beginning about the side-effects of the meds.

For me, i vote for gradually getting off the meds when you're feeling much better.

(Ok i'm just enjoying reading old threads too. Please dont mind me)
I did actually see some people who say that they have bipolar say that.

Me too. And I've been diagnosed with Bipolar and have said it. But the statement wasn't that some people have said it. It was: "Bipolar patients really don't like taking meds, they love the manic highs," and that is very different.

But the individual statement isn't exactly the problem. The problem is what has become a common theme in the thread, an overarching implication that the mentally ill should not seek treatment and those being treated are being swindled by a money-grabbing, sociopathic conspiracy. It's a tone which is offensive to a large number of people in order to represent a small number of fools who misused psychiatry and/or were hurt by it and now spout rationalized generalizations every chance they get.
Agreed!! I dont know why people trust psychiatrists so much...

The researches aren't even complete; they're just testing the meds on the 'patients'. And many of the meds produce withdrawal symptoms, so you need to pay them for life.

Meds maybe necessary for some people, to calm them down or whatever, but seems like it's not a cure.. Since you'll be addicted to it; it's just drugs.

Some people actually dont even need those drugs in the first place. They could have been better with other ways of treatment. Some meds also are the CAUSE of your mental health problems. That's why there are people who are better without meds.

Psychiatrists also usually dont want to hear your story.. Because for what?? Their job is just to tell you what drugs they think will make you think you're cured.

They dont even know the correct answer, nobody knows so far.. Yet people just take whatever drugs given to them. Wonder why.. ..Whatever.. As long as they're happy..
Not all medication is addictive, yes by definition they are drugs but they are not all addictive drugs and you can stop them at any time (some need tapering)

a psychiatrists job is to listen and treat, the good ones, and the majority are not just pill shilling machines
I've seen it before on social media - lumping together in a group all members of a profession and giving them the same label, based on a few negative experiences: all psychiatrists being pill-peddlers, all GPs being stupid, all surgeons being arrogant... and the truth is, all of these groups may have a few individuals who stick out in a bad way, but that doesn't mean that everyone from those groups is like that - it's easier to notice the ones who offend us than the ones who quietly get on with doing the best job they can.
It's not the fault of psychiatrists that their discipline is such a difficult one: they're dealing with patients who are in distress, have a limited number of options they can offer to try and help, and most of them (certainly in the UK) will be working to protocols and according to best medical evidence. The problem for them is that psychiatry isn't a cool fashionable subject, so research is not as advanced as it is for cardiology or neurology. Added to that, human minds are very difficult to study and understand, and in psychiatry more than any other discipline, one of the things which is essential is a good "connection" between doctor and patient - you need the right doctor for the patient. One person's wonderful doc will be another person's lousy doc because of this - I know in our local GP's practice, the docs will suggest that where they can, patients try to get to know one or two of the doctors, then stick to seeing the ones they feel comfortable with, and for the most part, the doctors will all have similar numbers wanting to see them, just different patient groups want different things from their practitioners.
I don't think it's helpful to say "all psychiatrists are rubbish" - it would be fairer to say that none of the psychiatrists you've seen have really been right for you - I'm sorry that the OP has had such an experience but it doesn't mean everyone else would.
I've also not done the poll - I'm not sure that intelligence is actually the biggest factor in good or bad clinical practice, more humanity and common sense.
Have no choice but see a psychiatrist, because I am unable to earn money and so, need financial aid and that can only be achieved quickly with a psychiatrist, but do agree with you.

My favourite therapist ( and she was "just" a councellor), was one who gave me her private phone number and urged me to phone if I needed help ( I never did phone; too shy) and even when time was up, she did not hurry me up and even happily allowed time to go over.

As typical with psychiatrist, indeed, all they want to do is push pills on to us and do not address real issues. He even pushed to say I have depression and it is anxiety that I suffer from, but he did not touch on that.

When I missed an appointment, due to his handwriting, he did not even bother to phone.

But, I have no choice in seeing him and so, I do and do take a med to calm my anger issues down.

By the way: didn't vote, because the options are too limited. I would vote: not sure, since I have only seen one and besides, I am not arrogant enough to suppose I am more intelligent than he is.

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