Guess l flipped into denial so now l deal my day to day feelings. The bad things, l honestly let go of them. I stayed in the anxiety/fear/anger state but it's tiring, and it doesn't accomplish anything. You have to love the damaged side of you. The scared little kid that was taken advantage of. You truly need to embrace that part of you. That part needs love, it needs to feel accepted, that part needs to know that you will never be in a situation that would leave you exposed. You have to use that part to rebuild your psyche again. That is now part of you. My side was confused, insecure, unhappy. But l accepted it, it's a part of me. Sometimes when l think about my safety, that part is allowed to see how l keep (us) safe. Because we live in protection mode, so embrace this, embrace the new you and work with that part of you always. Always check that you feel safe and free.