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Quirks and Phobias List


I used to be really freaked out by earwigs when I was very young. But over time I have learned to respect them in a freaked out sort of way.

People who appear certain and confident make me want to attack. I always look at most everything as provisional and hate certainty. Most of the time they cannot defend their statements and through my lifetime I have had to defend my ideas.
Feeling the force of someone elses cough anywhere about my head.

I have to hold my breath and move away from or behind coughee in order to breath again.
I am repulsed and offended by this.
(It's avoidable)

Farts and poo smells.
I'm led to believe there are fecal particles contained within the odour I choose not to ingest thank you very much.

I have many more but it's late evening and I can do without the biological chemical dump into my system. Don't want to be stuck in a thought loop 'riding this train' all night. :)
8- Very sensitive to smells
Definitely. Sweet, cheap.perfumes are the worst!

9- I have a phobia of stickers and tags - I absolutely despise Sale tags
Not a phobia, I just like things to harmonize with each other, and stickers usually don't. So I peel them off.

11- I will not and cannot wear a name tag
Me neither.

24- I usually only wear dark colors , Black , Grey and Blue
I don't wear white and pastels, or light gray. But bright colors are OK

28-All loose wires stereos, Tv,Video games band equipment must be zip tied or felt tied .

30- I read so fast I miss lots of things

31 - I walk very fast especially in public
Yes! Actually, I do most things really fast. Typing included, which made my boss create a "decoding list" to read my messages. Though I think he was joking. Who knows?
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I used to be really freaked out by earwigs when I was very young. But over time I have learned to respect them in a freaked out sort of way.

I don't mind them too much, but the other day when I opened the box for the gas containers, there was some sort of earwig festival going on that made jump back a yard at least. But once I processed the scene, I had no problem with them (the ones that didn't fall off or scurry away)
This is why you close the lid before you flush!
Or you use a composting toilet. ;)

I cannot stand synthetic fibers. I prefer cotton and linen. Merino wool is good. Love those Smart Socks. Silk is okay, but not my favorite. Too clingy.

I cannot stand crowds. A friend once took me to a David Mallett concert in Boston. The venue was a cellar with a low ceiling. I was quite convinced there was not enough oxygen for all the people in the room.

Can‘t stand crowded elevators. Against my better judgement I once entered a packed elevator and more people squeezed in and the elevator got stuck. The fans also stop working. Again I was sure there was not enough oxygen. I would have collapsed except all the bodies around me held me up.

I will eat almost anything, even food others have touched or bitten. I’ll eat food on the ground, ie. fallen fruit. I’ll eat around the rotten spot of a particularly delicious tropical fruit. The Fruit and Spice Park in Homestead let’s you eat any fruit that has fallen to the ground. I’ll nibble mushrooms and other wild edibles in the field.

Sharing food and sharing breaths is quite intimate and exciting, but only under certain circumstances.

I can’t stand most rap music, most loud music. I don’t like loud noises. I can’t stand to hear and feel the bass rumble from a source a mile away.

In general, I prefer quiet.

I love water of all kinds except for showers. Can’t stand showers.

I can’t stand the fragrances put into laundry detergent, and even Kleenex.
I have a terrible fear of lists of quirks and phobias.


I'm kidding, one thing that really gets to me is if someone tries to hold me down/prevent me from moving. It could have something to do with things that happened when I was a kid, not sure. But if you want to see me freak out and take a swing at people, just sneak up behind me and try to hold me tight in a bear hug. Being hold tightly against my will won't end well.
Yeah, I’ve had that happen. Dont particularly want to rehash the incidents, but I know what you mean.
Phobias... I'm working on my anthropophobia. That's the fear of people, outside social situations. Society set the ground, and face masks were what made it spill. There's still people wearing them, and they still creep me out. I myself can't wear them.
I don't mind them too much, but the other day when I opened the box for the gas containers, there was some sort of earwig festival going on that made jump back a yard at least. But once I processed the scene, I had no problem with them (the ones that didn't fall off or scurry away)

I had a similar incident when about 7. I tapped an empty pipe alongside the house and a veritable torrent of earwigs poured out like a turned on faucet! :eek:
I was wondering if anyone else has some off these Quirks and Phobias
Feel free to share and make your own list here are some of mine

3- Loud frequencies make me irritable and feel overwhelmed

5- A room full of people and all the noises is to much for me

7- I don’t like chalk writing on chalkboards

17- I don’t like button down shirts , I can wear them only open .

22- I can’t read when when I am a passenger in a car

23- I don’t like to be a passenger
My quirks?

There is a high-pitched frequency that some shop owner blast to drive the younger people away. Hearing decays with age, and you can no longer hear the high frequency. Mine hasn't decayed enough yet. I've always had really exceptional hearing.

Rooms with a lot of chaotic talking drive me nuts. My mind wants to focus on a single voice and I can't. The noise drives me to distraction.

Chalk on a blackboard is a special kind of torture.

Button-down shirts are a sensory thing. I always wear very loose clothing if I have to wear anything. I never button the top two buttons on a shirt. A tie is a special kind of hell that I can only tolerate for a brief time. All sensory stuff.

Reading in any kind of motor transit immediately makes me nauseous. Motion sickness has been a life-long curse. So has benign positional vertigo.

Being a passenger increases the chances of motion sickness. As a driver, you know what kinds of motions make you ill and avoid them. My wife says I am a very smooth driver. I never make sudden maneuvers.

Also, as a passenger, you don't know what the driver is about to do. As a driver, I can prep myself for going around a sharp curve, while as a passenger it's, "WTF did you take that so fast?" and my vertigo starts to kick in. Passengers don't have any control over driving technique, and that can lead to anxiety. It has been said that one can be comfortable driving 10 MPH faster than when riding.

OTOH, buses and trains don't bother me - unless I try to read or I can smell bus exhaust. Planes and boats can require a low dose of Dramamine but after a day or two on a boat, I don't need it anymore unless the sea gets rough.

The infodump. I am very prone to dumping information about whatever special interest is in my head at the moment to whatever helpless victim happens to trigger it. This is a good thing if you're blogging and people can read it or ignore it as they wish. Very bad juju when you are at a party trying to make a friend. Or at work in a meeting.

I can honestly say I don't have any phobias. I was really afraid of spiders as a child, but I overcame it on my own. Being irrationally afraid of anything in the natural world did not suit me.

I have a very high tolerance for pain. Say I get a splinter. It is in there really deep, and I can't tweeze it. I pull out my handy Swiss Army Knife and excavate. It's just pain. It will hurt less later. (If I didn't have a tolerance for pain, I'd probably be immobile from arthritis.)

I can't stand the taste of most legumes. Good thing, because they give me gas. Peanut butter is the exception.

Keep me away from anything avocado. Mayonaise puts me in an unhappy place. I want my veggies raw or stir-fried. There must be crunch, or I won't eat them. Picky eater.

My natural sleep cycle is probably 25 or more hours. If I let myself stay awake until I am sleepy and sleep until I am awake, I will go to bed later every night and then sleep 10 hours.

Clothing irritates the heck out of me, so I wear it loose.

I love being naked. Alone or with others. Over time I have hiked hundreds of miles that way. Acted on a stage, visited nude resorts and beaches, posed for art classes, rode in the World Naked Bike Ride, and run across San Francisco in the Bay to Breakers. Partly a sensory thing, partly an acceptance thing, and partly a freedom thing.

How's that for a quirk? I probably have other quirks, but I don't realize they are such.
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Lights, l have become more sensitive to lights when living in Florida. Sometimes l like a dark house when l need to calm down. Pea texture can be weird. I hate the smell of cooked brussel sprouts. People's voices can really irate me, especially if it's a pitch/tone l hate. I tested my hearing, l hear all tones l guess. I can dislike people solely on their voice, (that's sad). Like it's so bad, l cringe when they talk. I worked with a lady who had heavy raspy smoker voice, and she would talk super loud making it worse. I like cars that smell like leather. I had miso soup which l liked, and l love seaweed, however it was slimey in the soup. Sometimes egg taste/fried eggs can be disconcerting and l have to season with cheese, or salt. I can get weird trying to get an equal amount of everything on my fork when eating, don't ask, it's too strange. I can be discombobulated by stepping inside the squares on tiled floors if l am super bored. I also have a very bad habit of staring at pictures on walls and checking to see if hanging straight and not crooked, (if bored). Or l will rearrange the pictures mentally because l can become obsessed with composition and things being pleasing to the eye, so l will stare at pictures on the wall, and think they were hung wrong.

I can get testy if l don't know you and you are touchy. I get upset about that. I will rip or cut elastic if too tight around my waist or anywhere else. If l don't like you, you will constantly be an irritant to me, and that will never change as it's always an instant dislike, however l will put up with you and be fake nice. However, if l really like you, then l am a good friend.
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I'm very fussy about not being woken up after some disorienting disasters around that.
I avoid even smelling meat, and won't eat in a room with a dead animal unless it is having a proper funeral. Native Americans sometimes said an adequate apology and blessing, but seem to have dropped the habit now. Given that all domestic animals make good pets if you have the room and pay attention to them, I see commercial meat as coming from abused, abandoned pets.
I almost never burn carbon for social reasons or personal pleasure.
I boycott Disney, Amazon, and many other businesses.
I have given up trying to learn what a Pokemon is.
I use almost nothing wireless.
I'm fussy about getting full spectrum lighting.
I laugh at styling pretending to be engineering.
I have never owned a TV.
I don't use major social media.
I'm fussy about clothes.
Can't stand jeans, belts, zippers or buttons. The material must be soft.
No tags either. I cut them out.
Funny how it has bothered me to see sales tags on clothes I bought.
Cut them off as soon as possible.

Like @Au Naturel I too prefer no clothes.
But somehow the world developed a law...
So now you can only go nude in your house or certain outdoor places made for it.

I can't sleep without pillows, plush toys and soft blankets.
No clothes though, unless I'm somewhere they make you. Like a hospital.

Food quirks: I like soft foods.
Colours make a difference also. Anything with little red pieces of peppers or whatever, I'll fork them out. White and green foods are my favourites. Except for celery. Hate celery.

Phobias are lightening, spiders, ( love those spider eyes @Duna ), flying and going under anesthesia for medical reasons.
Quirk about spiders I don't understand myself is I like to collect anything spider.
Jewelry, artificial ones to put in plants, spider toys, have a huge tarantula incased in clear plastic, and a very unusual 2ft. long one made out of combine threshers.
A sculpture in Iowa makes them. Spider printed clothing and throws I wrap up in.

Enough for tonight. Now I'll go to bed with my decorative spiders on the curtains and various other places and worry there might be one in the bed alive.
Shudder, chills.
I was wondering if anyone else has some off these Quirks and Phobias
Feel free to share and make your own list here are some of mine

1- I will not eat or touch food after someone has bitten of it

2- I can’t stand bright lights especially fluorescent

3- Loud frequencies make me irritable and feel overwhelmed

4- Large Crowds I can’t stand

5- A room full of people and all the noises is to much for me

6- Loud Chewing , really bothers me . Especially my dog , always wear headphones when she is eating

7- I don’t like chalk writing on chalkboards

8- Very sensitive to smells

9- I have a phobia of stickers and tags - I absolutely despise Sale tags

10 - I can’t have tags on any of my clothes

11- I will not and cannot wear a name tag

12- I sleep with pillows on top of me

13- I have to always wear socks even to bed most of the time

14- The sounds of markers coloring hurts my ears

15- I must shower everyday sometimes Twice

16 - I always wash my hair Twice

17- I don’t like button down shirts , I can wear them only open .

18 - I will straighten every paper clip I see

19- I tend to eat the same food always the same breakfast and Dinners scheduled the week before for Monday through Thursday. Weekends I am open to some food change

20- I like food that is white

21- I have trouble folding clothes and towels

22- I can’t read when when I am a passenger in a car

23- I don’t like to be a passenger

24- I usually only wear dark colors , Black , Grey and Blue

25- I don’t like snakes

26- I don’t like the texture of plastic band aids

27 - If I see a used band aid especially on the ground run the other way it makes me feel sick

28-All loose wires stereos, Tv,Video games band equipment must be zip tied or felt tied .

29- I like water , I can float in the ocean or pool for hours , even sleep

30- I read so fast I miss lots of things

31 - I walk very fast especially in public

These are just some of mine !
Phobic About:
defaecating or urinating uncontrollably ,vomiting,almost crying publicly,

ocd about the door closing and being locked out,

getting a letter from the dwp (british gov dept) or business letters,


Not being in control

Seeing any cat ,bird dying
I love being naked. Alone or with others. Over time I have hiked hundreds of miles that way. Acted on a stage, visited nude resorts and beaches, posed for art classes, rode in the World Naked Bike Ride, and run across San Francisco in the Bay to Breakers. Partly a sensory thing, partly an acceptance thing, and partly a freedom thing.
Kind of figured that aspect of you :)
I avoid even smelling meat, and won't eat in a room with a dead animal unless it is having a proper funeral. Native Americans sometimes said an adequate apology and blessing, but seem to have dropped the habit now.
Many tribes with nature centered belief systems did, and some still do that. You hunt for food, but with respect, and only what's needed. Nothing like the mass consumption of meat of our modern Western society.
Given that all domestic animals make good pets if you have the room and pay attention to t
It's different to hunt a free animal in the wild than to slaughter an animal that's kept imprisoned all it's life. I heard people say the near tastes completely different.
Can't stand jeans, belts, zippers or buttons.
Same her. Only pair of jeans I owned was at 15, and gifted them to a friend. No belts. Zippers only on jackets. Buttons are OK.
love those spider eyes @Duna
Aren't they cute @SusanLR ?

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