1) Behavior replacement. You need to find something to do for those "special" smokes so to speak. For every time you would have smoked, find a replacement behavior that feels rewarding.
2) Do not be afraid to try patches, lozenges, gum, or a combination of two or all three. I used patches and lozenges myself. For the lozenges, I didn't use a whole one, I just used it while I had the craving then stopped, and sometimes saved what was rest of that one for the next craving.
3) Self care. If you think sleeping off a craving would be a good idea, and you're in a place you can safely do it, then do it. Drink a LOT of water. It will help get rid of the nicotine already in your system faster.
4) Try Nicotine Anonymous or similar support group, or a quitting smoking class. Sometimes it helps to go through it with other people. NicA also has an online support group that does meetings through PalTalk. After several quit attempts, the one where I was going to meetings regularly was the one that stuck. And if you like, you can email to have a NicA chip sent to you for milestones. I carry my 1 year chip with me everywhere I go, and hold it sometimes when I get the urge to have a smoke (usually seeing someone else smoking).
2) Do not be afraid to try patches, lozenges, gum, or a combination of two or all three. I used patches and lozenges myself. For the lozenges, I didn't use a whole one, I just used it while I had the craving then stopped, and sometimes saved what was rest of that one for the next craving.
3) Self care. If you think sleeping off a craving would be a good idea, and you're in a place you can safely do it, then do it. Drink a LOT of water. It will help get rid of the nicotine already in your system faster.
4) Try Nicotine Anonymous or similar support group, or a quitting smoking class. Sometimes it helps to go through it with other people. NicA also has an online support group that does meetings through PalTalk. After several quit attempts, the one where I was going to meetings regularly was the one that stuck. And if you like, you can email to have a NicA chip sent to you for milestones. I carry my 1 year chip with me everywhere I go, and hold it sometimes when I get the urge to have a smoke (usually seeing someone else smoking).