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Rating weird things NTs have said to me on a scale of 1/10

I'll rate some of the more memorable things NTs have said with emojis instead of numbers... less confusing to me.

"You're really something, SolarPoweredNightOwl. We don't know what, but you're something." :laughing:
"You should join the military." :(
"GET A HOBBY!" (Shouted at me by a passing car as I was out enjoying a hobby.) :mad:
"STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!" (Police officer who had apparently been chasing me for a minute) o_O
"See, this is why I like you better than (person). You're quiet when you do your weird stuff." :neutral:
"Calm down" or "don't get upset" 6/10

I'm not upset, I just have no idea what my voice sounds like.

"You're angry" infuriating/10

I'm not angry, actually.

"Yes you are."

OK, NOW I'm angry.
New post created.
There's actually a phobia of swear words? That's amazing because most of my life I've had a profound hatred of both saying and hearing swears and I had to learn to block some of it out so I wouldn't go insane. A few months before I was finally diagnosed with Aspergers, however, I was being really nasty and even saying the F word. When the staff at the group home told my mom she was shocked because she knew that was very unusual for me. The staff thought it was because I always acted like an angel around her. They couldn't have been more wrong.

I think I've had almost every phobia there is, including a few that haven't invented yet. The few things I've never had a phobia of are cats, water, and clowns.
This is a great thread!

‘You don’t talk much, so I’ll make you talk!’

-An original spin on the ‘too quiet’ comment
-thanks for forcing me to do something I’m not comfortable with
-I barely know you, why would you expect me to suddenly have deep conversations?

‘Can’t you try harder to look nice?’

-I do try, it’s just not good enough for you
-I’d take comfort over looking good any day
-Certain clothes/accessories bother me physically

‘It wasn’t that loud!’

-Then why are my ears ringing?
-You don’t know how loud it was to me
-You don’t have sensory sensitivities

‘Stop asking stupid questions’

-I want to make sure I understand 100%
-I don’t want to make a mistake just because I didn’t understand the instructions
-I have a hard time remembering verbal instructions

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