By NT standards, I don't think that I'm very good at reading the expressions on people's faces. Most of the time people's faces seem to be neutral to me and it's only been recently since I have able to see the smile in the famous Mona Lisa portrait.
However, most of the time I am able to understand people and I wonder if it is because my brain takes small pieces of information from a person's body language, tone of voice, context and what it can from facial expression, and adds it all up to give me understanding.
This seems to backed up by the times when I have been exposed to one of these factors in isolation and misunderstood the message e.g. two years ago I was listening to a radio comedy. So, I could only hear the actor's tone of voice. As part of a joke a character was complaining sarcastically, but I didn't pick up on the sarcasm and misunderstood the joke. I couldn't understand why the audience was laughing. It wasn't until my sister pointed out the sarcasm that I was able to hear it and now it seems obvious that character was being sarcastic.
So, I'm wondering if any of you guys are good at understanding one or more of these factors on their own, but not all together, leading to misunderstanding?
For example, are you good at reading faces, but not body language? The disadvantage being that a large percentage (I'm not sure of the exact number as different sources give different percentages) of communication is non-verbal.
Or can you hear different emotions in a person's voice?
Thank you
However, most of the time I am able to understand people and I wonder if it is because my brain takes small pieces of information from a person's body language, tone of voice, context and what it can from facial expression, and adds it all up to give me understanding.
This seems to backed up by the times when I have been exposed to one of these factors in isolation and misunderstood the message e.g. two years ago I was listening to a radio comedy. So, I could only hear the actor's tone of voice. As part of a joke a character was complaining sarcastically, but I didn't pick up on the sarcasm and misunderstood the joke. I couldn't understand why the audience was laughing. It wasn't until my sister pointed out the sarcasm that I was able to hear it and now it seems obvious that character was being sarcastic.
So, I'm wondering if any of you guys are good at understanding one or more of these factors on their own, but not all together, leading to misunderstanding?
For example, are you good at reading faces, but not body language? The disadvantage being that a large percentage (I'm not sure of the exact number as different sources give different percentages) of communication is non-verbal.
Or can you hear different emotions in a person's voice?
Thank you