The problem I'm seeing is that the genetic effects of autism do affect our communication and relating, and can't be eradicated by therapy.
I agree. I may have worded things poorly earlier, but I agree 100%.
Anxiety and depression arise for many of us through the challenges of how we experience our difference, which are not easily understood by ourselves or others.
Many people have the opposite experience to you, that they were never diagnosed, no one noticed or helped much with their confusion and social distress, and many of us had many years in therapy or other attempts to understand or change ourselves, before we we heard about autism and realised it describes what we have experienced, and is why for some of us, many years of therapy haven't achieved some basic changes we thought were possible for us.
I suffered from major depression and anxiety my entire life until last year. I understand how difficult it is to relate to people and probably had more problems than most people on this forum.
Some of us are trying to respect who we are and find strategies to manage how we are around aspects of relating and communication that are not neurotypical and not understood by others, and which you seem unaware of and oblivious to. You don't know what you don't know, it seems, and your posts display that.
Anxiety and depression is not part of who you are. It's secondary. By addressing the causes of it, like I did, makes it much easier to understand people. I've updated my signature to better reflect what I'm trying to say.
Old belief - "Most of my problems aren't due to being autistic. They're caused by the way other people treat me."
New belief - Most of my problems aren't due to being autistic. They were caused by the way I thought about the way other people treat me."
I used to think everyone treated me poorly because I was different. I found out that wasn't true. It was I who misunderstood other people. Once I understood that and dealt with my problems, I overcame them. There are like hundreds of studies showing that other people don't cause our emotions. We cause them ourselves by what we choose to believe. No one can make you upset, sad, angry, or experience any other emotion. Only you can do that to yourself. That means that no matter how other people treat you, you don't have to be depressed or anxious. You have the power to control your own emotions and can be happy. If you do that, your stress should go away and you'll find socializing is much easier.