The decision to buy this property, I bought it to hang myself in, back in 2000, but as you can see, I am still here.
I did not get a survey, and the old owner made massive structural alterations that were missed.
I never got a survey as the flat is much newer than the first structurally sound elderly house I bought.
I was naive back then, I planned to get that surveyed, but my mother advised not to.
It sounds like I am blaming her as I don't know how to put it.
I never had any idea that she wanted me to have structural problems in this old house, and debts.
I did not realise she was abusive, as mad as that sounds.
Advising me not to get a survey on an old, possibly dangerous house is evil.
I love the area this flat is in, woodland right outside my window.
The flat is a decent size, right near the town centre, so well handy.
I absolutely adore everything about the flat, except for what the old owner did, as I cannot see a solution for it, I asked so many organisations for help, and got fed-up of hearing "Sorry there is nothing we can do" or "No easy quick solution".
Even a surveyor told me that they could not come and inspect as it could lead to a court-case.
It's heartbreaking, I fear things failing.
The worrying thing, is that my error and the old owners jackass alterations could negatively impact my neighbours flats, so there could be a Salem witch hunt for my blood.
Sorry to sound dramatic, the problem could not only affect me, but residents, and the people I leave it to, a growing massive liability of humongous size.
The worry has caused me to make bad choices as in 3 drug habits, which I am beating, massive weigh loss to dangerously low levels, I put most of the weight back on, but I think a recent depressive episode has taken a few pound off as my denim skirt is loose again.
My CPN had said my weight got to dangerously low levels.
Weight falls off me when depressed.
Other women of my post menopausal age probably envy me, with weight loss, but they are not in my shoes.
Sorry for the ramble, it's consumed my life.
I fear the alterations have caused irreparable damage to the building and have visions of the whole block being demolished and me making headline news.
I sound a nut case, I am under the care of MH services.
They can help me mentally but not practically.
Spiritual bypassing has got me through the last 18 months, plus a "relationship" with a sexy man, who messed with my head, he was a distraction though.
I just hope I can somehow sort it, and become a stronger, more patient, wiser and more resilient person who can gain skills from the whole experience, rather than it eating me up, and eventually killing me.
I know I was only supposed to post regrets.
My other regrets are the fact that it did not cross my mind as a kid to report my sociopathic parents abuse to teachers who would have understood me, instead of seeing me as a problem pupil.