Maybe it is my drug or my escape, but its also my temporary freedom. I think it does release adrenaline and other endorphins and chemicals. There has to be some biological change taking place and their has to be a change going back to my normal messed up self. So yes, I do think you might be right, but I don't think it hurts me in anyway... If anything it lets me know that at least for a little while I can feel free.
Interesting Chance, I'm similar in my quest for thrills. Although mine tend to be tamer as in cycling really fast and rarely, some free climbing, snow mobile craziness. It's occurred to me in the past, that when I had contact with bio family there were lots of emotional ups and downs, drama, shouting, screaming, it was the way I grew up.
Now that my life is relatively quiet and peaceful, I used to early on, crave or had become habituated to the drama roller coaster. So I attempted to recreate it in my own life. Living one way for so long makes it seem somewhat normal. But it doesn't make it good for you, it may be habitual on my part, to do those things. But over years I've done them less. Somehow I have a less of a need to do so.