Indeed, the internet can be horrible, and tends to bring out the worst in people. Especially anonymity and physical distance to others online brings out the worst in people because they won't have to worry about consequences when saying nasty things. I'd think most of them wouldn't be so nasty towards others if they had to be face-to-face. Some would, but not most probably. I don't have much online presence (not on social media platforms etc.) because I don't want everything ruined for me online. It's depressing for me to see the constant fighting online, people fighting over everything that's not even important really. Takes my energy away from the most important things in life, so I've decided not to be on social media after spending a long time off social media, in a positive environment. It has had a big positive effect on my mental health to withdraw from the social media platforms especially.
Don't worry about language skills. You're good!
I'm bad at learning other languages than my own, and of course make constant mistakes in other languages. I often need to use google many times when writing or reading English. Sometimes the opposite: I'm even bad at finding the right words in my own language and need to ask people how to translate a word I know from other languages to my own (knowing the meaning of the word, but not knowing the word in my own language). So I'm a linguistic mess.