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Remembering peoples names

Seeing a name written down makes it much easier to remember than when it's being said. I need to hear a name a few times.
I don't remember people by their names and will always forget a name, it seems I have a system of nicknames that I give people based upon my experience of them.

I also associate faces with events/places, so if I see someone in the street that I usually see in the cafe, I wont recognise them.

Finally, I associate a song to a person, I find it easier to remember them.

It seems humans are not too important in my 'world' as I have to do so much!
I also associate faces with events/places, so if I see someone in the street that I usually see in the cafe, I wont recognise them.
I'm bad at this. Once, the guy in the next cubicle at work spoke to me in the supermarket. I neither saw nor heard him.
Back in primary school days, I mostly had the names of classmates worked out by the end of the year. In high school classes tended to be too mixed.

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