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removal of word censorship.

I really don't think the whole thing is a big deal.

Same here. I don't tend to use such language, most of the time, but it's really just something I don't care about. I don't notice most of the time, when it's being used and I don't tend to notice its absence. I don't think it hurts us not to use it. If you really need to, there's always asterisks and grawlixes.
If I may, at the risk of being banned, I find the use of word censorship to be hypocritical at best, utter horsecock at worst, in terms of curse words, just by joining words together you can swear plain as day as I have myself done so above to illustrate my point, this can easily become a game for more lowbrow individuals. I have seen that swearing is still done and allowed on this site but I can point to no ready examples as I am hardly keeping count ; ]

The thing that stands out in my mind is that the replacement of such words is not frowned upon to the possibility of encouragement, to say a$$hole or fcuk or similar, is common practice around the forum, as a whole it should be considered tantamount to the word itself as the substitute is known for what it is and the mind fills in the blanks.

Having said all that, what this forum was, and the freedoms we all enjoyed here, those days are gone and in order to move forward we have to understand that different people have different ways of running things, whereas previously the site was possibly best described as for Aspies, by Aspies, today it is part of a collection of websites that adhere to a uniformity that includes advertising and an intended inclusion of the PG-13 market as Brent has already stated, that alone brings with it standards that are expected to be maintained, regardless of the limitations of the mindset of the target users of such a site.

The fact is that we persons on the spectrum are here at the discretion of the owner of the forum and if it is stated that swearing is frowned upon then so be it, one can continue to lament the lack of the ability to swear outright or perhaps work around it with similar sounding words or substitutes which seems to carry no penalties, we can of course just not swear, or another course of action would be to find somewhere else where swearing is acceptable, which would be the other 99% of the internet LOL
You are absolutely at no risk of being banned, good sir. :) As has already been stated, the filters are there because of restrictions that are above our admin's head. Personally, I don't care enough to go through every post and get my panties in a bunch if anyone works their way around the filters. As long as the intent isn't malicious, like Brent said, I have better things to do. :)

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