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Responding to small talk

wow, that sounded so familiar. I used to feel like that in my teens and early 20s. I'm 30 now and I'm fortunately over that. In my personal case, I think it's a mixture of being on the spectrum and also upbringing (.

You see, as aspies, we often don't "get" other people and that makes us feel different/in a weaker position. With time, we learn to cope with it by unconsciously saying to ourselves "I don't care, I'm better than them, because I know this, this, and this and they don't" (or something like that), basically "I'm smart, they're stupid". But this just a coping mechanism, a mask we wear to compensate our inability to socialise as well as others.
The other side to this is that with the belief "I'm smart", we put so much pressure on ourselves never to be perceived as stupid.

The second part is upbringing. You mentioned you come from a well-educated family. Me too. People in those families usually don't talk about pointless stuff (this often includes emotions). So we might believe that talking about "pointless" or "stupid" things is forbidden/not accepted. That makes us more aware about ourselves too, about what we say, how we say it and in general, how are we perceived by others.

When I realised that pattern in myself, I made a conscious effort and learned about the human behaviours. I wanted to figure out why people speak when in reality, they have "nothing" to say, in other words "small talk" and . And I think that this actually has a point. This is how people communicate. It's not about the information they say, it's about just interaction between 2 people. I like to compare this with dogs behaviour. When 2 dogs meet, you can see they're obviously communicating with each other (wagging tail, sniffing, playing), but it's not that they say something to each other. It's just the way of interacting, getting a reaction out of the other. Same with humans. They use words (instead of biting and sniffing), but words in those situations are used just to get an emotional reaction from another human. Not to share or receive intellectual information.

This at least how I see this whole thing. But the most important lesson I've learned is that I'm not better that those "regular joes". It's just my belief, a learnt way of coping with the feeling of not being socially good enough. Yes, I am smarter than many people in many aspects, but there are other dimension where those other people are "better" than me. And that's totally okay. People are different and in the grand scale, everything in this universe is in perfect balance.

I can't take it anymore...I just can't do it. How do you deal with people constantly belittling you all the time when you are not provoking them in any way? They are like animals, always wanting to dominate things in their environment. I can't deal with the stress of people labeling me as stupid anymore.

I am brilliantly talented, smarter than average at least...I'm no mensa member but for sure not dim-witted. I have been cheated out of so much "womanizing" and friendships because jealous creeps try to portray me as slow.

I don't mean to brag, but that is how the less attractive males keep the women off of me, they tell them I'm slow! And the thing that makes me the most sad is they believe them! They are willing to readily accept that somebody is slow.

Nobody is slow around here! I should be telling these brutes what to do. I should be their boss. Instead I'm an alien. Not fit to be in their midst. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!
What is an example of something an NT said that you have a question about how to answer?
An example would be,
Q. do you need help with that?
A. Sure, If you wouldn't mind.

I am going to watch walking dead tonight
YOU are going to watch walking dead tonight?
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Are the walking dead things also a question and answer? Is the person responding with surprise?
Am I understanding correctly? You want advice on how to answer that question?

YOU are going to watch walking dead tonight?

The person who said that is surprised, as what they currently know about your personality does not fit with you wanting to watch something like that.

The response acknowledges the surprise, and gives them a small statement on it.

"Haha, yeah, I know. But I really do like horror!"
I am wanting examples of small talk from an NT and how you would respond. Like basic clichés you hear from people and how you would respond without being thought of as weird. Like an appropriate response. Those were examples.
Are the walking dead things also a question and answer? Is the person responding with surprise?
The person is not responding with surprise.
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Not sure if it fits with what you intended :)

The first time I was asked,
“Would you like a hand ...?”
I started giggling to myself.

Who knew what went on in the area I’d just moved to :)

Of course it means offering assistance, offering to help me with something.

Then there was,
“I’ve been trying to catch your eye”

All manner of mental imagery flying through my brain,
Wondering what equipment might be needed for that, butterfly net? Cup? Sterile gloves?

It meant they wanted my attention.

That chat up line;
“Do you come here often?”

- yes, do you need directions to somewhere?

I am going to watch walking dead tonight
YOU are going to watch walking dead tonight?
I don't understand this.

I would probably just say, "Really?" or something like that. I wouldn't know what else to say.

"What are you doing at the weekend?"
"Don't know. Have to see when I get there."
What is an example of something an NT said that you have a question about how to answer? Post an example.
An example would be,
Q. do you need help with that?
A. Sure, If you wouldn't mind.

I am going to watch walking dead tonight
YOU are going to watch walking dead tonight?
How does one determine at a glance that the person they are talking to is an NT?

Do you have some kind of secret powers for doing psychological evaluations on the fly, or are you just guessing that they are neurotypical?
How does one determine at a glance that the person they are talking to is an NT?

Do you have some kind of secret powers for doing psychological evaluations on the fly, or are you just guessing that they are neurotypical?
I am assuming they are NT because only 1% of the worlds population is neuro diverse.
This is likely the peak of confusion in my life so far, except maybe when I was born and was probably like, "what the heck, everything was small and now everything is tall".

Is the walking dead example a single person speaking and saying that they are going to watch walking dead and then asking if you are also going to watch it?
This is likely the peak of confusion in my life so far, except maybe when I was born and was probably like, "what the heck, everything was small and now everything is tall".

Is the walking dead example a single person speaking and saying that they are going to watch walking dead and then asking if you are also going to watch it?
I just laughed so hard my cat got freaked out. No, the person was stating they were going to watch it and the other person was acknowledging that fact.
I am assuming they are NT because only 1% of the worlds population is neuro diverse
The percentage of children (I mention children, because many adults have been missed) diagnosed with autism is higher than this in many countries (and where it is lower, it may be due to healthcare access), and there are many other conditions that make a person not "typical", which have higher diagnosis rates than this (e.g. ADHD, learning disorders, many of the mental illnesses).

For example, in the USA, where many of you are from, autism is diagnosed in 1.69% of children [1], while ADHD is diagnosed in 5-10% of children [2]. In total, 16.7% of children have been diagnosed with a mental, behavioural, or developmental disorder [3]. In adults, 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their life [4].

Just what are you including in this 1%, and why?
I am assuming they are NT because only 1% of the worlds population is neuro diverse.

And then there are all the ASD people who are "masking."

I think the premise of this thread is faulty.
Removing the "NT" part and going with either *how to respond to small talk*
or *how to respond to conversational cliches* seems like it would be an
My sister who is ND: I dropped a letter can you find it?
Me, also ND, as I spot a scrabble letter on the floor: Oh you meant a scrabble letter, I was looking for a letter that came through the post!
My sister: Given we are playing scrabble and I m at your house so unlikely to have a posted letter, I m surprised you thought that.
Me: It was just the connection I made...
My brother used to call me and he'd always start out by asking "What are you doing?"
I'd always answer, "Why?"
When I used to work at a particular region of the country, the most common "cliquish" greeting there was: "What's up?" I would answer in my usual monotone voice: "Taxes, cost of living, price of gasoline." Then the dumbfounded stare would last until they said something that made sense.
"Dad can I borrow the sled tonight?''

Option 1: 'No! Sled dogs don't grow on trees'
Option 2: 'Ok, but put food in the dogs'
Option 3: 'Who are you, and what have you done with my real son?'

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