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Someone named it in a previous post but did not have it as their answer.
New riddle:

On an oval I delight,
fast and faster,
side to side
and forward I go.

Yet backwards
and round and round
I am circling with a win.
Appearing exactly the same
through a compound
as when I begin.

What am I?
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Riddle explanation:

Answer: Racecar

Racecar is a compound word, and a palindrome-- spelled the same forward and backwards. Racecars race often on an oval track. They go fast and are often side by side as they attempt to pass each other. There are racecars known as stock cars, dragster cars and Formula 1 cars, to name a few. In stock car racing it is often customary for many winners to squeal their tires in the grass as their car goes forward or backwards in a donut circle, causing lots of smoke.
I have both a front and a back.
Inside content I do not lack;
For wood I do contain.
I help add new content to your brain.
What am I ?

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