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Room Temperature - Do you like it cold?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering (not sure if it is an Aspie thing) but do you like it cold?

I love to keep the house say 69 degrees. I hate it at the office if it get up to or above 74 in the office. I hate hot weather, but then I am from the North and love the cold. What is your ideal temperature?
It's 75 degrees F (24 Celsius for everyone else) in my room. I love it because I can wear as little as I want. Tight clothing makes me anxious and uncomfortable. I also hate dressing in layers. I like warm weather but hate humidity. I don't like cold weather.
I don't have that much control over the heating in the house in general, but in my (bed)room, I have the window open summer and winter. Yes, I've had my moments where I woke up and I had icepicks on the inside of the window. Just like I sometimes can see my breath if I exhale due to it being near freezing. So yeah, I like it cold... not even cool, but just almost freezing. At some point It'll get on my nerves though and I'll shut the window and heat up a bit.

I'm fine with about 50 fahrenheit (10 celcius) to do my things in my room. I can dress a bit warmer (I do wear hoodies a lot, as well as armwarmers on my forearms). For that reason I can get more **** done in the night instead of day. Luckily I do not have a problem in sleeping in a warm room. In the summer I've measured up to 100+ fahrenheit (38 celcius) temperatures in my bedroom during the day (The main wall of my room is facing east, thus that's where the sun shines on from early morning to somewhere mid-afternoon), but I can easily sleep through that, whilst if I'm awake, even the smallest drop of sweat gets on my nerves.
I prefer it cold. I absolutely cannot stand being hot and will feel chronically uncomfortable. Even when I stayed in a place with no heating (Alps, in winter) I was much more comfortable than being somewhere that's even slightly hotter than I prefer.

It bothers me the most with sleeping though. I absolutely cannot sleep when I'm hot, because I need to sleep with a blanket. It has to be cold so I can bundle up comfortably.
It bothers me the most with sleeping though. I absolutely cannot sleep when I'm hot, because I need to sleep with a blanket. It has to be cold so I can bundle up comfortably.

If I need to sleep for the sake of sleep and/or have a "normal" daytime rhytmn, then yes.. that applies to me. I can't sleep without a blanket and sweating in bed if I'm not really tired kinda keeps me awake. And my body doesn't really tend to put a lot of value on light/darkness and 24 hour cycles.

That being said; I can sleep if it's hot. But I'm usually really tired after 36 to 48 hours, so in summertime I sometimes end up sleeping once every 2 days cause of it. Nothing wrong with that in the sence that I feel fine.
Heh I am completely the opposite. I am always cold. Freezing most of the time. So people usually ask if I'm comfortable then they know its hot somewhere. I need to be warm, because i'm always sooo cold. I usually wear my winter Jammies of flannel even well into the summer because I am cold.
Yes! I can't really feel the cold unless it is particularly wet and windy. I love 67-8 degrees Fahrenheit indoors and about 40 outside. I like the smell of ice, but not the texture.
I like it cold when I'm not sick, but I don't have control of the thermostat. I mean, I could easily change it, but I live with my grandmother on my dad's side of the family, and she gets warm/cold similar to the way other elders do :p
It was 36F outside, I had the heat off and I still had to open the windows when I did deadlifts. I'm very sensitive to heat and I'm on pills that make me even more sensitive. I would get a window AC unt, but its against the rules on this complex, unless I have a doctors note. I cant get a doctor's note, because they're giving me the run around. I can't leave the windows open for long, or I'll start breathing in smoke from outside since all my neighbors smoke.
I get cold easily. I wear long sleeves every day, and I like my room warm - and sometimes it seems I'm the only one in the whole country who does. Everyone else likes it cold, even when they complain about it being cold outside. If they're in a warm building/room in winter, they open up the windows to let the 20-degree (F) air in. Sometimes they turn on a fan in front of it if they have one.
I like my room to be about 55 to 60 degrees F when I go to bed. I sleep really good when I have lots of blankets.
I like it cold, i have a small heater in the winter for not freezing the water lines in the house. And i use it for protection against myself to, since i don't care at the temperature and it may be not the healthiest to me.
I hate the temperature in the summer, i always struggle for hours just to go to sleep.

I like it cold, i have a small heater in the winter for not freezing the water lines in the house. And i use it for protection against myself to, since i don't care at the temperature and it may be not the healthiest to me.
I hate the temperature in the summer, i always struggle for hours just to go to sleep.
That's cute. I think it's because of the small heater and the fact that you struggle for hours to go to sleep during the summer.

But if it seems mean, I don't intend for it to. >.>
That's cute. I think it's because of the small heater and the fact that you struggle for hours to go to sleep during the summer.

But if it seems mean, I don't intend for it to. >.>
I can't say it was that mean. And if it was I'm used to it from a Friend of mine that are unintentionally mean all the time.
It isn't really that small of a heater, it is a oil heater of some kind. i don't know what it is really called.
I have some problems with sleeping under any temperature, but when it is hot it takes extra long time for me to sleep.
I like it cold in the summer, but now? Like Grumpy Cat says.......

In the wintertime my thermostat is consistently at 68F...I would love to have it much cooler, 62 or so, but I have some sensitive electronic equipment in there that I don't trust at too much below that temperature. Plus, I find it harder to get out of bed in the morning if it's too cold. In the summer it's between 75-78...Really, I only run the air conditioner because of the humidity, which triggers some SERIOUS sensory issues!
I do like it significantly colder while sleeping than anywhere else, somewhere under 60 degrees Fahrenheit. While awake, however, I love it hot & dry. Vegas type of heat.

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