I am internally rule led. That is why I was never one for all behavior modification plans in school and they never worked for me if the rules didn't make sense to me. I have never set off a fire alarm without an actual fire since I am able to assess the outcome and realize it does nothing good for anyone but it never crosses my mind that I should not due to being told not to do it.
About you aba thing while I was never in the 40 hours a week ABA I can't comment but my life for awhile was full of charts and directions and rewards and punishments. I had to sit down everyday and check in my behaviour had been "expected" or "unexpected" and the goal of everything I did was to make me more compliant. I came out of those years with PTSD but not at all a rule follower even though they were not always mean and gave me candy or time on the computer or praise for doing what I was told.
Sorry for the insert in the middle of this facinating discussion. But I was never involved in any sort of therapy and this whole idea of "behavior modification" is horrifying! It seems to be an intellectually justified version of Eugenics. I honestly hoped that there would be more humanity in understanding NDs. Especially for those with significant challenges.