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Attached. Can you relate?


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That is so like me, yes, I relate very strongly.

It's not just an autism thing though, that's also a sort of cultural thing with Aussies and we tend to take a bit of an Irish attitude towards any new law we think is just plain stupid. If a few people ignore a law they get in to a lot of trouble but when the entire population ignores it politicians are embarrassed and the law gets changed again very quickly. Governing Aussies is a bit like trying to herd cats at times.
Attached. Can you relate?

Not really. Growing up in a military household I was tasked with obeying the rules.
Whether I understood them or not didn't matter to the commanding officer.

Watching my father beat up on my older NT brother in 1963 who definitely had a penchant for breaking those rules taught me a lot at an early age. That actions have consequences.

Facebook. Oh boy Facebook. Scammers roam free there. Call someone a potato and you’re thrown into Facebook jail.
I think the writer will find that “neurodivergent folk” will be a lot more varied and nuanced in their approach to rules than described. This may be one response to rules, but there is likely more to it than simply choosing whether or not to follow rules based on one’s own judgment of the rule.

For example, sometimes people may follow rules they “perceive as nonsense” because there are undesirable consequences that come with breaking the rule. Perhaps they follow a rule that seems nonsensical, like “no swearing,” because it shows respect or allows them access to a place that they desire to be. I think sometimes following rules can be beneficial regardless of what one thinks or understands about the rule.

I think the writer is simplifying the idea too much and practicing black and white thinking themselves.
I'm of the black and white rules persuasion. I learned young not to hold others to the rules -except my siblings. I kept my disapproval inside (verbally at least - I don't know if it showed on my face or not).

I learned early that following my parents' rules kept me from getting spanked, and I tried to convince my siblings to do the same.

I will obey a law that I disagree with, just for the practicality of not getting ticketed/arrested.
However, if a law is actually detrimental, I will ignore it in private for sure, and in public if it gets in the way of safety or well being.

Etiquette rules I will follow to a point. They do have to make sense on a level significant to me. So things like not burping loudly in public, shopping naked, etc. I can follow, but things like wearing suit and ties, or observing any fashion rules at all are just out.
I mean yes, but I also realize that life is not black and white. There are rarely such things as absolutes. So much of this "rule following" is just a manifestation of anxiety in that it's much easier to follow a rule book than it is to parse out individual situations and interactions as they come up.
I understand rules but doesn't mean I'll agree or it'll make sense to me. Or I'll forget the follow the rule.
I will obey a law that I disagree with, just for the practicality of not getting ticketed/arrested.
That's my reasoning.

Or if it benefits me even though I find it silly. Such as a rule at the workplace.
If you don't follow the rules there, the reprimand can be more than what you want.
Like getting fired. 😦

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