In that case, perhaps you needed to tone down your post, and avoid words such as "morons" or "braindead" with negative/judgemental connotations, because it comes across as judgemental and ridiculing - focus on what you really mean to say, that you were put in a class that was not suitable for your needs and you are, justly so, not satisfied with your education. It's not their fault and nobody chooses to have learning difficulties. It was unfortunate and frustrating for you, but no need to be so hard on them.
Perhaps I forgot to mention that I was the *only* person in my class that was autistic (or, according to some of my rivals, "artistically".) Everyone else had some case of OCD or mild ADHD. I know this because at least 98% would say they did when questioned on their habits, while I'm actually sitting there, Adderall electrifying my blood, patiently awaiting instruction. It wasn't hard to guess that not everyone (practically no one at all) had a case similar to me. Not that I really cared because I hated that bloated chicken coop of dissonance they had the guts to call a school.