YEP. 100%. It's funny because as a child (under age 13) I could sing solos in church and at school. Then at a certain point around that time, people talking to me that I didn't know well or men in general was traumatizing. It's interesting to learn about but trying to nail down specific phobias and such would drive me crazy because I feel like there is a lot of contradiction. For example, I was a competitive dancer all the way through college. I loved showing off because I was really good at Irish dancing. I took a million dance classes, always got solos, performed in high school color guard, etc. I even taught. I taught dance classes, then in a more traditional setting at a school for kids with autism. I felt more or less confident with teaching itself, it was the perceived judgment of coworkers and expected interaction with them that I couldn't handle. When I have something to say in front of friends, I can feel more or less confident, but other times it is absolutely mortifying when someone addresses me in some way. Mostly when the group is more than 2 people. I think the worst is when people are making jokes and they reference me and there is an expectation to participate, but a lot of times the sarcasm goes over my head and I have no idea what's going on or why something is funny until later when I ask someone to explain it to me.
I can no longer sing in public, not even kinda. The first time I tried after that age point around 13, I basically had a panic attack and couldn't even breathe. I still like to sing, so I record stuff and put it online lol.
I think there is some phobia that is defined similar to this but applies to oral capability. Don't know what it is though. If it is a structured environment, like an interview, I do quite well. But chatting with coworkers and stuff, man it's near impossible. I think the worst trigger overall is with men though. I'm not sure why, I've never really had like a traumatic experience that I can attribute this to, but I feel anxious around men in general and have a feeling like all of them are either trying to hurt me or take advantage of me sexually, even those that I've known forever. It's just automatic.
There was one instance when I worked at a coffee shop and a man would come in almost every day for his "usual" which was a mocha latte. He never did anything overt that anyone would consider unsettling at all. But for some reason, his coming into the shop triggered near panic attacks. I would get short of breath, my cheeks would flush (which would make me even more embarrassed, this is the worst feeling in the world because I think people interpret blushing as a sign that you like them, which isn't true and then feeds the cycle of feeling embarrassed, which makes you even more flushed, etc.) and it took everything in me to keep from running out of the coffee shop. One time it was so bad when he came in that I had to bend down and open the mini fridge door and pretend to be looking for something I didn't need in desperation to hide how red my cheeks were and to try and start breathing again. I've thought about it a lot since then and wondered if I had some kind of extra-sensory perception, like I could sense he had skeletons in his closet of some kind and I was reacting to that haha! What made me think this was that in this occasion where I was panicking, that energy transferred to him and he got really nervous as well. He was walking out of the shop with his coffee after having had that interaction with me and someone he knew called his name. He jumped out of his skin like a cat! He could barely respond. I thought, holy crap what did I do to him? Just very strange....