I definitely ask him questions, give him perspectives of other people's feelings . A part of his reflections are actually writing down a written reflection of how you're going to improve your behavior, and what you're going to do next time you may be in the same situation. I myself don't fall on the spectrum, but I do have anxiety, ptsd, and depression, which doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I believe my son is both Aspie and ADHD, but it's difficult to receive the correct support for him and myself when I can't get a solid diagnosis. I'm thinking about finding a comminity support group locally to attend in the meantime. He's getting to the age where he's just about to hit puberty. So I know understanding him and the correct way of communicating is vital. My sons father is very anti medication. Because he is ADHD as well. He abhors even the notion that he may be austistic. So there is no dual support. He won't give him his meds on the weekends he goes with him. He even went as far as making my son flush them down the toilet and say he didn't want to take them any more. My son lasted about 2 weeks before he was getting into physical fights every day at school. I'm sure if he wasn't in a special education class he would have been suspended or expelled. I think his meds help tremendously. Especially the antidepressant. The only thing that worries me is that he's about to hit puberty and the adderall will effect his growth.