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Sense of Humour?

My parents used to makes jokes about how I don't have a sense of humour, and even my geography teacher at the time commented that I took things too seriously. I think it's because I would often mistake jestful remarks to be genuine insults. Sometimes I still have that problem.

However, I do have a sense of humour. It mainly includes bad puns, self-deprecation, dark comedy, and general absurdity. Over time my parents have realised that I am not completely lacking in humour, and sometimes they compare my sense of humour to Dave Gorman's. I have several different favourite comedians, and I enjoy listening to their various skits.

My friends find me amusing, however I'll admit that my delivery could use some work. I enjoy coming up with my own jokes, especially if they're improvised.

As for autism being associated with not having a sense of humour, I remember when I first started looking into the subject out of curiosity, and I found a video that remarked that those with autism typically lack one. However, I looked at the comments and a good portion of users disagreed with the video. Some people lack a sense of humour, others don't. I agree with @Peter Morrison, it has less to do with autism and more to do with an individual's own personality.
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I'm not very funny myself, with occasional exceptions. I enjoy making people laugh, so whenever something crosses my mind that might be really funny, I deliver it right then and there. It's pretty inconsistent, though.

I also have a (bad habit?) where when someone says something that triggers a particularly vivid mental image for me, even if it's not funny I find it absolutely hysterical and cannot stop laughing. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if this is prosocial behavior on my part.
I've been told I have quite a wicked sense of humour.

Very kind of "old school" though, I prefer the old "slap stick" kind of comedy, stuff like Fawlty Towers, On the Buses etc.
Oh yes, I have a good sense of humour (well, in my opinion, anyway), although sometimes I find it hard to figure out whether someone is joking/being sarcastic or not, even though I use sarcasm myself, sometimes. For example, I asked someone in my class if I could sit next to them and they said "no" with a straight face, so I started looking for another seat, but it turned out they were joking! I think I use basically every form of humour myself, though: dark humour, lighthearted humour, jokes, puns, sarcasm...I'm not sure if I just picked up those types of humour from other people, or whether i was born with it. I think a bit of both.
Growing up, dad and brother were funny.
My eldest and youngest child have a great sense of humour.

I either get the joke or I don’t.

I can usually observe banter between others and recognise it’s banter but I’m not usually quick enough to understand where they’re coming from in order to join in.
I can usually observe banter between others and recognise it’s banter but I’m not usually quick enough to understand where they’re coming from in order to join in.
Same here - and I find the fact that in most social situations banter is expected very difficult - if you can't join in, they think that you are boring and humorless and not 'fun'. I don't like this pressure to be always witty and funny. Can't do it.
Not everyone has a sense of humour


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