I took Buspar for a while for anxiety - you're supposed to start on (if I recall correctly) 7.5mg 2x a day and titrate up to up to 16mg 2x a day. I had to titrate DOWN due to side effects, until I was on 2.5mg 2x a day. (The side effect was randomly occurring dizziness - sometimes weeks after the last episode, so I never knew when one was coming. Obviously I can't have that when I'm trying to drive and work.) I couldn't taper off of it because I was on the lowest available dose and the pills couldn't be split - I got angry one night after getting dizzy out of the blue at work again, and I quit them cold turkey.
When I first started the Buspar, I can only describe the experience as "I just spent 15 minutes straight on a tilt-a-whirl, then stepped into a sauna". I couldn't even get off the couch, and I don't know if I could have called for help. Fortunately that was only for the first 15 minutes - half hour after taking it, and only for the first few days.
They DID work though. I just couldn't deal with the dizziness. My doctor offered me Ativan but I declined, because I didn't want to get hooked on it.
That's the only pharmaceutical psych medication I've been on. "Just deal with the side effects, they'll go away" isn't something I'm comfortable with, as I don't have time to spend days or weeks trying to get past the side effects in order to see if something is going to work or not. I have a job to do, and that requires driving and operating machinery. I can NOT be getting dizzy and some such, and I don't want to use all my PTO time playing medication roulette.
I've tried various supplements over the years. 5HTP at the recommendation of a natural pharmacist that I worked for at one time. It DID work, and didn't have many (if any) side effects, but for some reason, I decided not to use it again. I think I felt it was too risky, to come just short of ingesting serotonin. (If I were going to supplement with tryptophan again, I'd use L-tryptophan and no more than what you would typically get from food.)
Magnesium seems to help some - it's not drastic, but it definitely helps even me out. CBD really cuts down on my sensory sensitivities and keeps me from having meltdowns - I have very few meltdowns now.
I've just started on L-Theanine (after seeing someone mention it in a recent thread here - thanks whoever you were!) and so far it's making a huge difference. The first time I took it, I could actually feel it taking effect (the same thing happened with the 5HTP). Everything I can find about it suggests that there are almost no reported side effects, so I feel relatively safe taking it.
My mom had massive problems with bad side effects or flat out paradoxical reactions to drugs. There were almost no antibiotics that she could take. Most recently, she was on gabapentin for nerve pain and it threw her into tetany for hours. Doctors never seemed to believe her, either. At least, many didn't. She was never diagnosed but she's just like me so I strongly suspect she was neurodivergent as well.