Yes. I can't function for some reason and I don't know what to do. All I know is that I need to persuade health professionals more. I went to a doctor, got a medication prescribed. Is it going to help? It is helping a bit, but I have reached this state somehow in the first place. I have periods of much better, normal functioning, but it got worse and it's not improving on its own, therefore something has changed and gor the worse, but I don't know what it is. Also, medications don't quite help, because there is no "cure" for autism. They can help mitigate some symptoms, that's all.
for some help with complex issues that are difficult to pinpoint and narrow down into easily solvable problems.
Yes, exactly
In these scenarios, I do think trying new things and having an open mind to what could help is useful.
If this sensory therapy does have an exposure element, I'd be hesitant.
But, sensory overstimulation does not appear to work like that for us.
My approach with overwhelming sensory stimuli is to shield, avoid, and allow for recovery - headphones, sunglasses, hats, always comfortable clothing, avoid busy places, quiet dark rooms.
Mine too, however, it has stopped working or isn't enough recently
I'm basically stuck in my flat, have to cover windows, and order takeouts. It's hard to do anything, including cooking, cleaning, taking showers, eating, I sleep very long. It's been getting gradually worse. Why? I don't know.
Maybe if you keep writing and talking about it you will find clarity. Some things take time to figure out. I'm guessing some of the most valuable information for how to handle some of the things you are talking about would be right here among a huge number of autistic people.
I don't even know what to write about.
I've been looking for a job, but that's all. I don't want to ask for job seeking advice, I have it figured out and got some offers, but it's going to take time. It's not that much effort/fatigue, I do most of that online or ask other people to help. Being systematic and persistent is the key to many things.