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Yeah the company done a lot of unethical business practicesWalmart sums up environmental poison for me.
See comment number 26. I meant to reply to you! Still figuring out this android phone responding thing.To add on to what some of you are speaking about with sounds and background noises, sometimes the most overwhelming for me are when I can not properly decipher what is going on. I often response with severe panic, for example if too many noises are happening at once, sounds, voices, laughing, sneezing, chewing, the tv, I can't separate the noises and it becomes so overwhelming and sometimes confusing leading to a panic attack. I love music and if it is not disjointed the sounds are okay together, however, if it is just party noise I can't differentiate and I feel the need to get away fast, usually outside or somewhere dark and quiet.
That pink will always haunt me.