Thanks to everyone who responded to this thread. I really appreciate all your replies, but because I have no self control, I texted my ex Happy Birthday about a week after my last reply/post and we started talking/hanging out again. We have hung out a few times since then but things have definitely changed -- no more overnights and we don't "cohabitate on the weekends" anymore. He never extended an invitation and I never asked. No physical intimacy, though that has already been lacking prior (he recoils when touched especially when stressed out). A few days after I greeted him Happy Birthday I hung out with friends and they encouraged me to get back on dating apps, so they downloaded the app to put a profile together and browse and we found him.
Needless to say, it has been weird on my end. He doesn't know I saw him on the dating app, which I also disabled as soon as I saw that. Though we've been hanging out (once/twice a week, at least the last month and a half), this was always in the back of my mind and I guess this helped me detach/put my guard up and pull back a little bit. He on the other hand has stayed playful and would still playfully touch me and call me pet names. When I ignore him, he reaches out. It might seem that I'm playing games but I just am still figuring out how to behave around him, and this has been challenging because communication even before the break up has already been difficult. When people are in a gray area or transitions like this happen in relationships it's when communication is needed more, to determine where each person stands. I do know that these kind of talks stresses him out though.
I'm not really sure what I'm asking for here as so far I've managed to cope by keeping some distance and ignoring him whenever I feel confused or anxious. I noticed that he seems to feel somewhat rejected whenever I do this, and I don't want him to feel this way because I still care, but things are different now (because of his decision to break up). How do you even talk to someone who doesn't seem to understand their own feelings, gets very anxious about serious talks, can easily feel attacked when you're not careful with your words..... and just really overall doesn't want talks?
I guess I'm just sending an update but open to and appreciate any thoughts.