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Site technical issues

I tried uploading a photo earlier today, just to see what would happen/if it would work. Whilst on the screen that you've taken a screenshot of in the following post, there were three little bars in the top righthand corner symbolizing that it was processing my request, but it never completed the processing and never uploaded my photo.

I was also getting a symbol in my browser, whilst on the 'upload media page', that was telling me 'Flashplayer was out of date', so had been blocked. After updating the adobe flashplayer, I tried uploading the same image I'd being trying previously, and it worked, really quickly.

I thought I'd share this, just in case it could help others with uplaoding media.

Yes,that does work. for me.
I installed Adobe Crashplayer against my better judgement and was able to upload an image, Now that issue has been resolved,but the uninstall of Crashplayer will be my next step as I don't use or trust it one single bit. That spells the end of my uploading days here.
I guess it is up to us as members to do our own workarounds and discoveries for any changes to this forum. I finally figured out how I can view latest posts by clicking the forums button and the opening a thread. Kind of a pain in the ass if you ask me,but who am I to question it.

I guess unless a user doesn't care if they expose their computer to software with known security risks they can enjoy the image uploading part of this site. Color me out in that event,I like my machines as safe as possible and it is just not worth that risk to me.
I guess it is up to us as members to do our own workarounds and discoveries for any changes to this forum. I finally figured out how I can view latest posts by clicking the forums button and the opening a thread. Kind of a pain in the ass if you ask me,but who am I to question it.

I guess unless a user doesn't care if they expose their computer to software with known security risks they can enjoy the image uploading part of this site. Color me out in that event,I like my machines as safe as possible and it is just not worth that risk to me.

what are you actually having trouble with? i seem to have no problem uploading photos. does it give you an error code or any other clue as to what happens?
what are you actually having trouble with? i seem to have no problem uploading photos. does it give you an error code or any other clue as to what happens?
without Adobe Flash installed,the page freezes and the icon that tells you that the upload is complete does nothing.

Where I used to be able to view the latest threads on the front home page,they are no longer there. I put attached pictures of everything that goes on or doesn't actually in the beginnings of this thread.

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