Well-Known Member
Have they asked every person in Scotland though? Unlikely. Also I'd be interested to see what age demographic their sample was taken from.
In Cambridge they have e-scooter rentals where you can just take one, and leave it at designated places. They're all over the place. Same with electric bikes that look somewhat like a moped.
Truth be told, you don't have to learn the highway code to use a bicycle or e-scooter. Then again, judging by how a lot of people drive cars and vans - it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. There's plenty of people out there who are a hazard on the roads.
In all honesty I'm not sure if it's more dangerous to use an e-scooter or bike on a pavement or road. Mind you, I'm still of the opinion there's too many people in this world. So if e-scooters help thin the herd, I say let's go
You could maybe ask the metro newspaper, they published the article.
Personally, in Edinburgh, I have nearly been hit by them on pavements several times. An elderly woman told me she was afraid of them on pavements. And I have saw them coming round blind corners. I feel they are serious accidents waiting to happen especially sadly to the elderly and disabled.