Just a happy story.
I’ve had a great day, this should probably go in my own blog section except it has an 80 word limit. I struggle to say Hello in 80 words or less. In real life too, many people give me whatever I want in the hope that I’ll just shut up and go away.
My sleep patterns have been seriously mucked up for the last 18 months but instead of being upset about it I’m learning to live with it. Yesterday I slept from 1:00 in the afternoon until 9:00 at night. A good sleep, I’ve been up since then, it’s now nearly 11:00 am. I’m still not tired.
I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. When I wake up there’s the obligatory 1 litre of coffee and 45 minutes of pacing, then it was time to check news websites and then play video games. I had fun, but just for a change I decided I’d have a few drinks, that’s normally about once a week for me but only if the weather’s warm.
I’ve had more than just a few drinks now but I don’t feel overly drunk. This is unusual for the past 20 years, these days it normally takes less than a 6 pack to put me back in bed. Instead I got bored with one game and won in another, then came to this forum and started talking to people.
I’ve had a great time, and believe it or not this is the most social interaction I’ve had in more than a year. You mob have been very beneficial to my state of mind. You mob make me happy.
I’ve got a hidden hope here too. I’ve always had a spasmodic thyroid gland, it was usually hyperactive when I was younger, these days I think it sleeps more than I do. The fact that my body is metabolising alcohol properly again is a good sign. I might get another surge of youth back again for a while.
And no, I don’t take any form of medication for that. I only ever take drugs for recreational purposes.