There are toxic chemicals in vape stuff, and an array of health risks that you cannot filter with your lungs alone.
This is a completely unintelligent statement: there are toxic chemicals in FREAKING BROCOLLI - plants generate natural anti-pesticides to deter insects. They're just not there in significant quantities, which is what what matters. The Royal College Of Physicians says that the maximum risk of vaping tobacco substitutes is 1/20 that of smoking.
As for "an array of health risks" - there are an array health risks with every meal you eat. Again, it's not something intelligent people worry about. They worry about the SIZE of the risk, not how many small risks they're exposed to...
"an array of health risks that you cannot filter with your lungs alone" - the lungs are NOT for filtering. Trust me.
"FDA" - Merka isn't the centre of the world - it's a dysfunctional country with highly politicized bureacracies controlled by lobbyists; at one stage (and maybe still?) USDA was encouraging people to eat corn syrup as part of a heathy diet. The US government has also classified "ketchup" as a vegetable for nutritional purposes. The tobacco lobby is hugely influential in the US and the tobacco companies lose thousands of dollars a year in sale every time someone switches to vaping - vaping costs about 1/10 what smoking does.
In fact eg the much less political NHS does encourage people to vape to give up smoking. The British Heart And Lung Foundation is pro-vaping too.
'Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable cancers.'
Do regulate it instead of suggesting it.
It's hard to understand how anyone can be so confident and so ignorant. Generally speaking, there is no tobacco in vapes. (Microscopic quantities are sometimes used as flavoring: even then, the tobacco isn't burnt, so carcinogenic tar isn't released.) We're back to the "Slip-on shoes don't need laces" paradigm...
Thank goodness my lace less shoes don't make me trip.
I'm glad that you've found something that doesn't...
I have to ask: why are you so compelled to argue about something you know literally nothing about???