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So this is me

Alright, we love pics of your fur babies should you decide to share. Luca ( forum peep) has a beautiful family of four paws +, and is kind enough to share when she gets a chance.
Absolutely. These are my fur babies from left to right.

First came Gunner. He's the only one we didn't adopt
Next came Willow. She was a skittish stray.
Roxie was found outside on a chain with a board against a tree for her shelter.
And lastly, Cheeto. He's had a tough life. Former fighting dog with a lot of issues.
This is my pack :)


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Just a great family of furbabies, and they look like they all get along. Boy it would be so tough for me to say no to those cute faces. Yes, you can eat my ice cream cone, yes, we can play in the mud, yes, we can play fetch for another hour, lol.
Made my living for the most part linking disparate thoughts. to fix processes.
Sweet! All my thoughts have only netted me further woe. "It seemed like a good idea" is a common refrain of mine. I never could harness them and have them work for good rather than the propensity for tangling an already knotted issue.
Huh. Hope you got the gist of that.
The trick is to load your mind with information you can draw from for me it started with a chemical engineering technologist diploma. then added on a chemical technician coatings diploma and then added a quality engineering certificate, plus read a lot watch a lot the more information the greater chance of connecting.
Just a great family of furbabies, and they look like they all get along. Boy it would be so tough for me to say no to those cute faces. Yes, you can eat my ice cream cone, yes, we can play in the mud, yes, we can play fetch for another hour, lol.
Thank you so very much. Yep, proud to report all 4 are very spoiled as I have an incredible time denying my floofs
The trick is to load your mind with information you can draw from for me it started with a chemical engineering technologist diploma. then added on a chemical technician coatings diploma and then added a quality engineering certificate, plus read a lot watch a lot the more information the greater chance of connecting.
I admire you. I was a nurse for 12 years. Loved it until I burnt to a crisp and the thought of going back to it causes me to break out in a cold sweat. Since then I've been trying to find my fit.
It seems like l spend all my life trying to find my fit, l just know l don't fit into peg holes. Nursing is a very honorable profession. You seem like a great person and we are blessed to have you at this forum.
Hi SavingCheeto!

I'm really uncomfortable with life in general as well. What are some simple joys in life that help make things more tolerable?

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