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Social Anxiety

My SAD (probably my most predominant ASD symptom of all) is so bad that I usually try to convince myself that I simply don't like people, but that's not true at all; I just don't know how to get over the internal cringing over everything I say in any given social situation and embarrassment over absolutely nothing.

I know that for me (and this is personal, not meant to 'treat' anyone else) the only real answer is to routinely expose myself to crowds, small-talk, and everything that I fear. But in practice, I'm a wuss. If I have the opportunity to just crawl into a hole and stay there, I pretty much will.

It's really difficult, especially when you've had it all of your life. I think there's an answer to problems like this for all of us, but I think it requires mustering up something deep from within ourselves. One day, I really hope to find the strength to overcome it.
I have the curse of being an extrovert but also disliking most people and suffering from social anxiety.
I guess I'm only extroverted around people I'm comfortable with.

I think a lot of my posts probably read as misanthropic and that might not be entirely wrong. I have been hurt by some truly evil people and it makes me feel kind of prickly towards pretty much everyone.
It's not only that I dislike most people, it's more that I'm terrified of them.
I was diagnosed with social phobia, as it used to be known, before I was diagnosed with Asperger's, without my knowing about the diagnosis. I tried to overcome it in various ways over the years, to become 'normal', but nothing seemed to work. The same old problems kept cropping up.
So, I had to look up what a misanthrope was.

Not me. I like people. I just don't do very well with them all the time.

Quite a number of years ago I was laid off and spent several months at home laboring to find a new job. At one point, I thought I'd pick up the weekly shopping. Walking into the grocery store, I had this intense, claustrophobic reaction where everything felt more real -- and I felt like I needed to flee. I swore that would never happen again. So, I make myself go places--at least once.

It helps. Maybe it might help you. too?
Social Anxiety Disorder. SAD as they call it. In fact it doesn’t make me sad, rather it makes me feel anxious

I don’t display extreme emotions often and looking at my past post, I am trying to better myself

However this is where SAD kicks in. I don’t feel good in a crowd. I either get two emotional amped up or pretending to be someone I’m not

I don’t know why but I can’t feel comfortable around people. SAD has prevented me from doing a few things. Better coping with emotions can make me an even better person than norw
Running out of acronyms. SAD is also the acronym for "seasonal affective disorder." The shorter, colder days of winter can tax one's emotional resilience.
The only way I eventually got control of my social anxiety disorder was through the use of a pharmaceutical product prescribed by my doctor. Something to look into at least...to find one that will help alleviate symptoms and nervousness and anxiety around people- in particular strangers.

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