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Socially appropriate interests (how to get them?)

@PastelPetals , I am not a great social chit chatter. My goal is usually to provide a polite answer not to keep conversation going.
I usually say something like "I am really into fullfilling my curiosity. So any given day I might be interested in something new." I seldom get anyone who responds with " Oh, cool! Did you see that there is a new discovery..."

Socially safe subjects are usually conversational dead ends. The current news, weather, sports stats, etc are safe but uninteresting even for most n.ts. I have found I get the best responses by being agreeable, curious about others and making positive or neutral comments.
Try to figure out what is the trendy media / cultural event in your area. For example, in Denver and Boulder CO, it seems "Meow Wolf" is the hot new show. I found it wasn't too hard to get others to tell be about their Meow Wolf experience. Other topics might be local plays, concerts or craft fairs.
The thing about whatever is trendy locally, is that most people will want to fit in, so they will have been or want to go.
It doesn't matter what youre interests are my young friend

You keep going with what interests you.

The trick is finding those that are also willing to share our interests i'd say. & Also try to be able to talk about things that said other persons are interested in. Thats the noble art of small talking or
normal conversation that can if youre lucky lead to find out they are also interested in youre own interests. & Reg, you say you can't do small talk. Belive it or not i stink at it as well BUT i have learnt and still learning so with practice you will learn as well my young friend.

Thats how i myself have managed to find others with my own interests

And i have MANY odd and unusual interests i should add.
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After Judeo-Christianity, my interests are in (making) American-style comicbook art.
That starts with eidonomy/figure drawing, but spawns many other interests, depending on the genre being depicted.
Sci-fi makes use of my STEM interests, for instance.

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