Electronic masterpiece.
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I've not heard it before, this is so much fun, so much wonderful music, thanks for the jazz@Skittlebisquit, Are you familiar with Hot Tuna?
I am not a concert goer but my ex husband dragged me to see Hot Tuna at a mountain bar on the deck. Basically just 40 guests so there were no bad seats. A rare event I won't forget even though the music is not my jam.
I came here to post this one this morning. One of my favorites.Fever Ray is difficult to understand, but good.
I am not Swedish (one of my best friends lives there/is from there though)Lykke Li made
No way, are you a Swede?It`s very good. I came here now to post this, another Swede, maybe you like this one too? Lykke Li made several good songs.
That reminds me of one of my favorite songs. Put on your red shoes and dance the blues, as Bowie said.
And so do the Norwegians. I enjoy listening to Katzenjammer.This has been a favorite for a long time, these Swedes know how to make music.
I like all sorts of music and enjoy the world of music. Nothing disappoints. From the Americas I enjoy Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. Here are two of my favorites, Matador and Vasos Vacios. Great imagery in the lyrics, especially dancing like the water of the river mixing with the sea, in the latter.. Here are both.That`s surprising, I didn`t think you guys over there listened to Katzenjammer.
Agreed! And when this video came out I was only a couple years older than the bee girl, from a weird, quirky background, and I looked a lot like her.I have always identified with the bee girl because she was living in a world where she different from everyone else. I think that most of us have experienced this to one degree or another.
I'm playing this song as we speak!
The Aspiegirl anthem