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Some of My GIFs/Smileys Are Not Working...


Let's see if I did that right...
It's supposed to be that rolling pin GIF.
I must have missed a step.
It shows up Harley Davidson on my end

Broken even in other browsers. Have to deduce it to the OS and perhaps the latest update of 5/26. Unless it's perhaps a backbone issue relative to only certain parts of the Internet.

Or maybe Microsoft just acquired Indian motorcycles and didn't bother to mention it. :p
Nitro- Post another graphic from another source in the same place...seem if that makes a difference.

But it does function ;)

I'm looking up broken proxy images in PNG format on the Xenforo forum right now. People posting about it, but I'm not sure about any fixes right now. Something may be blocking the proxy. But if @tree can see it, then I'd think that precludes the forum's image proxy function being disabled.

You might also try a .gif or .jpeg file also to see if that makes any difference.
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Nitro- Post another graphic from another source in the same place...seem if that makes a difference.

I'm looking up broken proxy images in PNG format on the Xenforo forum right now. People posting about it, but I'm not sure about any fixes right now. Something may be blocking the proxy. But if @tree can see it, then I'd think that precludes the forum's image proxy function being disabled.
I can't seem to get another image to post.
I may try removing my original later and give it another shot.
I'm also wondering if I can't see it because I continually kill my cache with every session. Most users don't do that. If the image is corrupted but cached, maybe for those who didn't kill the cache it may still appear ok. Which might explain why you can't seem to replace the existing image.

But then I'm just guessing at this point.

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