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Some people's compliments

It gets confusing because in some countries Asperger's no longer exists but in other countries it still does.
Only until ICD-11 takes effect...
I don't always go by support needs or intelligence when measuring the severity of each individual on the spectrum. I go more by how much one is able to learn about fitting into an NT society and how well they're able to communicate in general, and other things such as behaviours.
For example, I'm extremely mild on the autism spectrum, to the point where I often question whether I was misdiagnosed or not. My ASD type is more complex and very invisible. I don't have communication difficulties as such, and I can recognise non-verbal things like body language and all that, quite naturally.

Some autistic people have difficulties learning how to communicate or masking or understanding certain skills needed for surviving in society. People like that can have a higher IQ than me and be excellent in some things, so I'm not calling anyone stupid or inferior or anything like that.

Just my take on it.

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