neighbor from the black lagoon
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neighbor from the black lagoon
I've had that happen, where someone would be friendly and solicitous and get into my good graces only to turn around and try to use stuff we talked about in good faith to undercut me in some way. But that was entirely tactical, they took advantage of my trust to try to use it to gain advantage for themselves. I fail to see how reporting you for dog abuse would gain your neighbor anything.
Pops into my head... Why would they want or - or even need - medical information to order something from PetSmart for you? That's really intrusive. Not their job.
Proper way for this to happen is: They'd make a suggestion, you'd evaluate it and if you decided you wanted it, you would order it yourself. Obviously they don't trust you to do what they think is best for your dog. Or maybe they are fishing for useful data for some other nefarious scheme.
The theory I have is that the person was angry at you for some reason. Maybe they thought you were discourteous in how you didn't jump to fulfill their request and decided to take it out on you. Maybe they are a rabid animal activist seeing animal cruelty everywhere they look. Maybe they just think you are an incompetent pet owner who can't handle the job. Maybe they are angry for another completely unrelated reason and this was just a hook to hang their hat from.
Assuming I have the full story would be a mistake. I haven't heard their side of the story. Though, if this is the entire story, I think they may be a bit mentally unstable and you should keep them at a distance.
I thought about informing her that two APS officers came to my place and if she knew anything about it? Even if she said she didn't know anything about I would still be thinking of telling her to stay away from me and my dog.