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Something normal you cannot do in front of others or who you feel uncomfortable around


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
For me, it is the simple act of drinking water. I suppose my throat closes up, due to anxiety and thus, I make very lound gulping sounds, which causes me to not want to drink around people.

However, saying that, even with ones I do feel ok around, I do still find myself not wanting to drink in front of anyone.
Farting. I just cannot bring myself to do that in front of anyone, not my husband, not even my own mother. It's just a pride and dignity thing. I know farting is normal and everyone does it and all that but it's just something I prefer to do in private.
Anyway, if farting is so normal, why do people go all hysterical when one does fart? If nobody ever reacted then it would be much easier to do around people.
If I know (or think) I'm being watched by someone I'm unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, I can't do anything right. Even making a sandwich would just become an overly-analytical process where I micromanage motor skills that aren't supposed to be micromanaged and mess everything up.
If I know (or think) I'm being watched by someone I'm unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, I can't do anything right. Even making a sandwich would just become an overly-analytical process where I micromanage motor skills that aren't supposed to be micromanaged and mess everything up.
This reminds me of when I worked at a care home and had to clean the rooms where residents sat in, and sometimes their families. I was a bit more relaxed when they were friendly or just concentrated on the TV, but otherwise I got so anxious and just wished I could clean the rooms alone without anybody in them. That's why I liked being on the advanced dementia wing, because all the residents there were all in the day room where they were supervised, or were asleep in bed, so I could just get on and clean the rooms without that anxiety of being scrutinized or distracted.
Farting. I just cannot bring myself to do that in front of anyone, not my husband, not even my own mother. It's just a pride and dignity thing. I know farting is normal and everyone does it and all that but it's just something I prefer to do in private.
Anyway, if farting is so normal, why do people go all hysterical when one does fart? If nobody ever reacted then it would be much easier to do around people.
Not really normal thing to do in public, unless one is old and cannot help it or just plain crude.

However, even that word makes me cringe and I would have to go into a room on my own, even in my childhood, as it is very embarrassing to me.
Burping makes me feel weird. Then l just laugh because it is funny. All the noise that we can make just as human beings. We are a one person band. Farting is only bad if it smells bad, or is incredibly loud. Otherwise you can pretty much get away with it except elevators.

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I rub my face up and down, rubbing the dirty flakes. Just my own funny habit. But I think PDD-NOS people do that for stimming purposes. So it's not odd to me.
...Something normal you cannot do in front of others...

Pretty much anything.
Farting. I just cannot bring myself to do that in front of anyone, not my husband, not even my own mother. It's just a pride and dignity thing. I know farting is normal and everyone does it and all that but it's just something I prefer to do in private.
Anyway, if farting is so normal, why do people go all hysterical when one does fart? If nobody ever reacted then it would be much easier to do around people.
Farting is only bad when noxious gases are produced by your gut flora. the noise is a different issue. Hower one informs of the potential of the other.
Singing is another thing I just can't do in front of anyone. I've always been embarrassed to sing. When I'm talking about a song and someone tells me to sing it so they know which song I'm talking about, but I just can't do it. It's too embarrassing.
At work, when I do have to visit the office, I sometimes get self-conscious when walking in front of others. I find myself thinking, "Walk normal." Turns out that is not a very good trick because it usually results in awkward walking.
For me, it is the simple act of drinking water. I suppose my throat closes up, due to anxiety and thus, I make very lound gulping sounds, which causes me to not want to drink around people.

However, saying that, even with ones I do feel ok around, I do still find myself not wanting to drink in front of anyone.
Not really in front of others, but I have trouble using public toilets especially if there is someone else in stalls nearby - even if just for number 1s
I have trouble using restrooms if I want a number 2, because there seems to be a hidden social rule that you must only use public restrooms for number 1 only, even though all these people who make these social rules probably have been number 2 in a public restroom at least once in their lives.

I never forget a time when I was 16, I was invited to my cousin's 15th birthday party in a hall, and it was a social nightmare. There were very obnoxious and judgemental teenagers everywhere, and some of them hung out in the bathroom. I happened to have an upset stomach that evening (maybe due to nerves but I think it was more of a virus), and really needed to use the bathroom but I was terrified to go in there because of all the kids who were loitering in there. So I held it in and felt so unwell, which had it's own problems because when I was looking distressed (due to feeling unwell) I saw some girls snickering at me. It was the worst social situation I had ever been to.
Singing is another thing I just can't do in front of anyone. I've always been embarrassed to sing. When I'm talking about a song and someone tells me to sing it so they know which song I'm talking about, but I just can't do it. It's too embarrassing.
I never sing too self-conscious have good ear cousin's musicians who sing one rock the other classical I could have an amazing voice will never know. My dad ang in a choir when he was younger.
I never sing too self-conscious have good ear cousin's musicians who sing one rock the other classical I could have an amazing voice will never know. My dad ang in a choir when he was younger
I have a crap singing voice anyway lol. If I do want to show someone a song I don't know the name of, I just play it for them on the keyboard, as I'm good at playing the keyboard and I don't feel embarrassed to do that in front of people.
Not really in front of others, but I have trouble using public toilets especially if there is someone else in stalls nearby - even if just for number 1s
Another to add to my list and glad I am not the only one.

If I have no choice but go to toilet, I block my ears, so that I cannot hear the flow or the other.

Sadly, since losing my gallbladder, my body is even more unkind and there have been times, I have had no choice, but to do the other and so thankful when there is music playing lol
If I know (or think) I'm being watched by someone I'm unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, I can't do anything right. Even making a sandwich would just become an overly-analytical process where I micromanage motor skills that aren't supposed to be micromanaged and mess everything up.
Recently, I was eating my lunch in our car and there was a lady sitting at the back with me, but she has this awful tendancy to give me distasteful looks and for the life of me, I could not eat my small amount of crisps; I nibbled them, but gave up!

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