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Something normal you cannot do in front of others or who you feel uncomfortable around

I have trouble using restrooms if I want a number 2, because there seems to be a hidden social rule that you must only use public restrooms for number 1 only, even though all these people who make these social rules probably have been number 2 in a public restroom at least once in their lives.

I never forget a time when I was 16, I was invited to my cousin's 15th birthday party in a hall, and it was a social nightmare. There were very obnoxious and judgemental teenagers everywhere, and some of them hung out in the bathroom. I happened to have an upset stomach that evening (maybe due to nerves but I think it was more of a virus), and really needed to use the bathroom but I was terrified to go in there because of all the kids who were loitering in there. So I held it in and felt so unwell, which had it's own problems because when I was looking distressed (due to feeling unwell) I saw some girls snickering at me. It was the worst social situation I had ever been to.
Been there too and it is a NIGHTMARE. I hated to be around my own peers and even if they were crowded around a bus stop, I would hurriedly walk past and put my music up ( headphones).
For me, it is the simple act of drinking water. I suppose my throat closes up, due to anxiety and thus, I make very lound gulping sounds, which causes me to not want to drink around people.

However, saying that, even with ones I do feel ok around, I do still find myself not wanting to drink in front of anyone.

Probably a lot of things
Eating is hard at times
Dancing a lot, most things because of people and the way they get jealous of any beauty or any talent you have that is better.
Recently, I was eating my lunch in our car and there was a lady sitting at the back with me, but she has this awful tendancy to give me distasteful looks and for the life of me, I could not eat my small amount of crisps; I nibbled them, but gave up!
I hate people who judge when you spill things or eat messy.
I mean I am not too bad but I have a tendency to drop things.
I say it may be hard but I think you should just shove the whole chip in your mouth but I guess you do not want to choke
I wish I could be like this with bullies but it does hurt.
I would never feel ashamed in front of others who judge, I am not very messy anyway but I have been there with messy and spilling foods with autistic and it still happens at times though I have a lot note control now
I have a crap singing voice anyway lol. If I do want to show someone a song I don't know the name of, I just play it for them on the keyboard, as I'm good at playing the keyboard and I don't feel embarrassed to do that in front of people.

I hate singing too because even though my voice has never been terrible, I get shy and it comes out terrible and then I think people will think I am tone death.
I have trouble using restrooms if I want a number 2, because there seems to be a hidden social rule that you must only use public restrooms for number 1 only, even though all these people who make these social rules probably have been number 2 in a public restroom at least once in their lives.

I never forget a time when I was 16, I was invited to my cousin's 15th birthday party in a hall, and it was a social nightmare. There were very obnoxious and judgemental teenagers everywhere, and some of them hung out in the bathroom. I happened to have an upset stomach that evening (maybe due to nerves but I think it was more of a virus), and really needed to use the bathroom but I was terrified to go in there because of all the kids who were loitering in there. So I held it in and felt so unwell, which had it's own problems because when I was looking distressed (due to feeling unwell) I saw some girls snickering at me. It was the worst social situation I had ever been to.
Yes to do that is embarrassing and also germs.

So you just have to think of the amount of germs that a bathroom contains and how hard it is to go when you fear them and cannot sit on toilet seats but have go line it with toilet paper and even that feels disgusting so squatting for a wee sometimes feel better but also difficult.
I hate public restrooms even clean ones you never know what germs or who sat there.
Farting. I just cannot bring myself to do that in front of anyone, not my husband, not even my own mother. It's just a pride and dignity thing. I know farting is normal and everyone does it and all that but it's just something I prefer to do in private.
Anyway, if farting is so normal, why do people go all hysterical when one does fart? If nobody ever reacted then it would be much easier to do around people.

I think it is very embarrassing but my body will not hold it in.
So I think people need to learn to deal with it because if you slip up, it is not the end of the world.
If you hold it in, sometimes you can end up with a stomach ache or feeling sick.
It is actually a natural part of digestion where I think releasing gases is healthy
So to hold them in is not good for the digestive system.
So I think if one comes out then say excuse me well for me
And then just get over it if you feel a little embarrassed. It is good if you know people who will not judge.
Yes to do that is embarrassing and also germs.

So you just have to think of the amount of germs that a bathroom contains and how hard it is to go when you fear them and cannot sit on toilet seats but have go line it with toilet paper and even that feels disgusting so squatting for a wee sometimes feel better but also difficult.
I hate public restrooms even clean ones you never know what germs or who sat there.

You reminded me of some graffiti I saw on a bathroom stall many years ago:

If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat.
Singing and dancing. In the car, by myself, I’m a rock star. But as soon as there’s anyone around I’ll shut up, stop moving, and get so self-conscious that I actually start to have back pain from being so tense if I get the urge to sing or move to the music.
I think it is very embarrassing but my body will not hold it in.
So I think people need to learn to deal with it because if you slip up, it is not the end of the world.
If you hold it in, sometimes you can end up with a stomach ache or feeling sick.
It is actually a natural part of digestion where I think releasing gases is healthy
So to hold them in is not good for the digestive system.
So I think if one comes out then say excuse me well for me
And then just get over it if you feel a little embarrassed. It is good if you know people who will not judge.
We kiss each other on the lips and that’s the best way to get just about every disease known to man, so why is a bit of gas supposed to be so taboo? And there’s literally nothing more natural than going #2.

Having said that….. if something smells bad, well… it still smells bad.
drawing or writing. i have to without any wavering, implicitly trust the person with all my heart, in order to show them my drawing or writing.
I think it is very embarrassing but my body will not hold it in.
So I think people need to learn to deal with it because if you slip up, it is not the end of the world.
If you hold it in, sometimes you can end up with a stomach ache or feeling sick.
It is actually a natural part of digestion where I think releasing gases is healthy
So to hold them in is not good for the digestive system.
So I think if one comes out then say excuse me well for me
And then just get over it if you feel a little embarrassed. It is good if you know people who will not judge.
Many humans commonly see humour in flatulence and often react if you fart. Where I come from it is socially unacceptable to fart in company, and when people do it usually says something about their personality. But I can tell the difference between someone being unable to help it and someone just doing it shamelessly. When it's the former, I always pretend I didn't hear it, because it might embarrass the person. The last thing we need is a reaction. I don't know why people find farting so funny. My face goes red with embarrassment when others fart.
I remember one time I was on the bus and a couple of chavvy women got on with a toddler. Just before they were going to get off the bus, the toddler done a silent fart that stung my nostrils and the two women reacted to it. For some reason I just knew it was the toddler, as the reaction from the two women was like they both weren't expecting it. But I was sitting the closest to them, and they probably expected me to react in some way or laughed at me after they got off because I was left to sit among the stink. Even though it wasn't me, I still felt embarrassed. That's why I don't like toddlers near me, they let off foul gases or liquids without warning. Dogs are the same.

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