I have trouble using restrooms if I want a number 2, because there seems to be a hidden social rule that you must only use public restrooms for number 1 only, even though all these people who make these social rules probably have been number 2 in a public restroom at least once in their lives.
I never forget a time when I was 16, I was invited to my cousin's 15th birthday party in a hall, and it was a social nightmare. There were very obnoxious and judgemental teenagers everywhere, and some of them hung out in the bathroom. I happened to have an upset stomach that evening (maybe due to nerves but I think it was more of a virus), and really needed to use the bathroom but I was terrified to go in there because of all the kids who were loitering in there. So I held it in and felt so unwell, which had it's own problems because when I was looking distressed (due to feeling unwell) I saw some girls snickering at me. It was the worst social situation I had ever been to.