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Spacing out?

My mam called me balloon ,for me it was the excitement side of panic alternating with the escaping from Predator side ,driving was bizarre, being told to move a large mobile object, passed other stationary large objects without touching them was discombobulating ,then speed up, then slow down, try to arrange large mobile object beside a very narrow area ,move your hands and feet while sitting °•°
I've never been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, but I suspect I might be. I am a total space cadet. I'm a writer, so I am always imagining book plots and conversations. Sometimes I fanaticize about things. I am almost always in my own head. I have to work hard to focus on other things or people. Maybe I have ADD too, I'm not sure.

I work from home, and it is a struggle to stay on task. Sometimes I lose hours to a fugue state where I'm just staring off into space. I have to constantly watch myself and try not to let that happen. It tends to happen a lot when I am listening to music. Music helps me relax - but it also has that side effect.
I used to do this an awful lot as a child but nobody noticed. Now I can’t watch television if somebody is talking to me, and I definitely can’t write if anybody starts talking to me, in fact it can make me angry because I want to stay focused on what it is I may have been connecting to and their words are merely felt as an intrusion.

Driving an automatic car is much better than a manual one for spacing out. Sometimes I would drive my van down the narrow lanes of The Cornish countryside at 10 mph. Keeping an eye on anybody coming up behind me and pulling over if they do. But to go that slow in nature allows me to see what’s happening while still moving you can only do that when the roads are rural like that.

I also see the spacing out feeling as kind of being in the zone. Nothing else matters, it’s like a thoughtless aware presence. Sometimes there is a slight strange feeling to it but otherwise it’s just a very peaceful place to be. I need to be there regularly.
I used to do this an awful lot as a child but nobody noticed. Now I can’t watch television if somebody is talking to me, and I definitely can’t write if anybody starts talking to me, in fact it can make me angry because I want to stay focused on what it is I may have been connecting to and their words are merely felt as an intrusion.

Same. If I'm trying to read something and someone keeps talking to me, I have to reread the same sentence over and over and over again because I can not make sense of or absorb what I'm reading. It really makes me angry. Like the person is playing tug of war with my brain, and I'm an unwilling participant.

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